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Bilateral Assistance Programs

Ambassador’s Special Self Help Program
The Self Help Program was developed to provide quick and effective financial aid for projects that have an immediate impact on improving the socioeconomic wellbeing for residents of Gabon, Sao Tome and Principe.  The Embassy provided $25,000 in funding for 2008, and is currently reviewing 60+ applications for 2009. The Self-Help Program works with diverse members of civil society: local NGOs, churches, associations and other community organizations.

Embassy’s Democracy and Human Rights Fund
The Democracy and Human Rights Fund finances grassroots initiatives aimed at improving governance, promoting democratic processes and protecting human rights through the promotion of civil society.  The Embassy works closely with local NGOs, churches, associations, and other community organizations to ensure the success of this important program.

Ambassador’s Fund for Refugees
The Fund for Refugees assists displaced populations through providing financial assistance for livelihood-building activities.  The Embassy currently has projects with Alisei, an Italian NGO, and the Red Cross of Gabon, providing assistance to refugee associations in Gabon along the border with the Republic of Congo. 

Ambassador’s Girls’ Scholarship Program
The Girls’ Scholarship Program provides funding to support the primary school education of girls (and some boys) in Gabon, Sao Tome and Principe.  During the 2008-2009 school year, 700 children from Gabon and 400 girls from Sao Tome and Principe were scholarship recipients.  The program’s partners include Winrock International, Lion’s Club, and two Gabonese NGOs: L’Association des Femmes Educatrices du Gabon (APEG) and Femmes Gabonaises (FEGAB).