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The Baldwin Library

Hours of Operation

The Baldwin Library (PDF 5662.72K) is open Monday through Saturday from 09:00 AM to 04:00 PM, except on Thursday, when the library closes at 12:00 noon. We are closed for two weeks every December to take inventory and to perform necessary maintenance work.  The Library is closed on official American and selected Burmese holidays. Anyone living in Burma who has graduated from high school, i.e. completed the 10th standard, is eligible to apply for a library card.

Areas We Cover

We aim to replicate an American-style library for our patrons. This means our primary focus is to have a heavily used circulating library. We stock novels, essays, short stories, textbooks, reference materials, ESL material and large-format art books. Our areas of special focus are current events on U.S. information, Southeast Asian studies (including Burma), business and finance, ecology, computer science, and teen books. But we have a wealth of material in other subjects too, and are constantly upgrading our collection. We have a display of books recommended by our staff and a suggestion box for exchange of concrete proposals about changes we can make.


The collection of over 18,000 library materials focuses on U.S. society and culture, with an emphasis on the social sciences. Books on U.S. government, economy, business, English language, education, history, literature and the arts, and science and the environment are also available.

There is also a collection of over 300 audiotapes (English language) and a new collection of over 1000 DVDs. More than 100 U.S. periodicals in a wide range of fields are available in the periodical section.

The Library has a circulating collection of over 400 Music CDs, with focus on Jazz music, and other popular music. Patrons can check out one Music CD at a time for a one week period.

The Library has a circulating collection of DVDs (PDF 16KB), with a focus on the latest popular titles. We try to get movies that have English language subtitles. The DVD must not be copied nor screened for commercial purposes.

Two PCs are provided for our patrons to search and access the Baldwin Library collection. The full catalog listing of the material, including information as to whether it is reference or circulation, and whether it is checked out or on the shelf, will be displayed.


The periodical collection includes approximately over 100 hardcopies of up-to-date magazines and journals, all published in the United States. International Newspapers (dailies and weeklies) are available in the periodical section.

In addition, the Baldwin Library has access to thousands of magazines and journals through commercial online databases:


CD-ROM and Proquest

Two multimedia PCs to browse various CD-ROM titles (PDF 92.56K) and ProQuest, a General Periodical Index and full text from more than 500 magazines from 1988 to present. In addition to the magazines, 21 newspapers from 1849 - present on Online Database is available to do research.

Library Orientation

To enable new Baldwin Library members to make the best use of our resources and using Internet terminals to prepare and submit applications to the Colleges and Universities in the United States, the Library staff conducts a Library Orientation Program once a month on the third Friday of the month. Library Orientation for groups can be arranged by special request.

The Library also offers a Basic Internet Training session the third Saturday of every month.

Book Club

To enable Baldwin Library members to receive special privileges to have discussion with famous writers and learn the American literature, the Baldwin Library organized a book club discussion group with the writers and the patrons on the last Wednesday of the month since January 2008.

Book Lockers

To help extend the Reference Center's reach beyond the confines of Rangoon and vicinity, the Center offers a "book locker" program that makes available small bookshelves of selected titles in specialized fields on short-term loans to interested institutions.

Book Exhibits

Small exhibits of Baldwin Library books (with annotated bibliographies and online resources) are set up as part of regular Public Diplomacy Programs, such as public lectures and book launchings.

Contact Us

Baldwin Library
14 Tawwin Road Dagon Township, Rangoon
Tel: (95)-(1) 223-140, 223-106

About the Library

  • The Baldwin Library is named after James Arthur Baldwin, one of the twentieth century's most original voices. He wrote essays, novels and plays about politics, society and culture in mid-century America, at the peak of the civil rights struggle. He spoke candidly, often searingly, of his experience growing up black and gay in America. His most famous books (all in the Library's collection) are Go Tell It on the Mountain, The Fire Next Time, Notes of a Native Son and Giovanni's Room.

    The Library is located in 14 Tawwin Road, Dagon Township, Rangoon, at the American Center. It is behind the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and across from Basic Education High School Number 3, Dagon Township.

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