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Command, Control, Communications, and Computers (C4)

Program Executive Office for Command, Control, Communications, and Computers (PEO-C4) manages the development, acquisition, and fielding of C4 and Military Information Support Operations (MISO) systems that collectively form the SOF Information Environment (SIE). The SIE is an extension of the Department of Defense (DOD) Global Information Grid (GIG) that provides additional Special Operations-peculiar capabilities and extends those capabilities to remote, austere locations. It allows garrison and tactical Special Operations Forces (SOF) users to reach back into the GIG to access national assets, allowing SOF elements to operate with any force combination in multiple environments.

PEO-C4's portfolio consists of 14 programs with a budget of over $3.8 billion across the Future Years Defense Plan. It includes four primary capability areas:

  • Enterprise Networks;
  • Transport Systems;
  • Tactical Communications; and
  • MISO and Civil Affairs Systems.

PEO-C4 will continue to focus on the integration of state-of-the-art technologies and standardization throughout the SOF community. An additional future priority is ensuring voice, video, data, and services—regardless of the source—can be properly accessed, processed, and stored and made available immediately to worldwide SOF users through enterprise services. PEO-C4's efforts emphasize the utilization of commercial off-the-shelf products and the leveraging of DOD and other government agency programs to supplement SOF capabilities.

Fixed Wing

Program Executive Office for Fixed Wing (PEO-FW) delivers Special Operations (SO)-peculiar manned and unmanned fixed wing airpower capabilities to effectively enable Special Operations Forces (SOF). PEO-FW partners with the Warfighter and various development and support organizations to synchronize acquisition activities to field an array of advanced technology sensors, defensive countermeasures, advanced avionics, and mission training systems. This process ensures SOF fixed wing aircraft can accomplish its missions in expected threat environments and address supportability challenges of an aging legacy fleet.

USSOCOM's manned and unmanned fixed wing aircraft provide the backbone for SOF airborne mobility, aerial refueling support, airborne precision engagement, and aerial surveillance capabilities. They provide critical infiltration and exfiltration, and they resupply capabilities for SOF in and out of hostile territory through weapon systems such as the MC-130P Combat Shadow, MC-130H Combat Talon II, and CV-22 Osprey aircraft. The AC-130H Spectre, AC-130U Spooky, and the MC-130W Dragon Spear provide critical precision engagement and close-air support. Various manned and unmanned systems deliver real-time aerial surveillance of the battlefield for the individual Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine, and Task Force Commander.

The low-density, high-demand nature of the SOF fixed wing fleet is a key driver in the acquisition approaches used to continue to improve and sustain the force. The high operational tempo of these aircraft requires innovative means to incorporate capability and sustainment improvements while ensuring adequate aircraft availability.

Maritime Systems

Program Executive Office for Maritime (PEO-M) is dedicated to providing Special Operations Forces (SOF) Warfighters with operationally effective and sustainable surface and subsurface maritime mobility platforms and maritime equipment.

PEO-M manages over $1 billion of Major Force Program-11 (MFP-11) dollars over the current Future Years Defense Plan. PEO-M's MFP-11 management responsibility includes a wide latitude of control and decision-making authority for all budget activities, regardless of whether the USSOCOM program is managed within the PEO or by a program manager in a military department. PEO-M's portfolio includes 25 surface and subsurface acquisition programs and subprograms, with its primary customer being the Naval Special Warfare Command (NAVSPECWARCOM).

Rotary Wing

Program Executive Office for Rotary Wing (PEO-RW) is responsible for providing the Special Operations Forces (SOF) community with the most advanced vertical lift capability available to the U.S. military. PEO-RW has placed emphasis on rotary wing transformation, with the initial focus on commonality of platforms and inventory reduction from 11 different platforms to 3 newer, more capable platforms while accommodating programmed growth in numbers. The rotary wing fleet now consists of the MH-47G Chinook, three different models of the MH-60 Black Hawk, and the A/MH-6M Little Bird. The Silent Knight Radar (SKR) program was realigned to the PEO-RW portfolio in 2011 to better address the integration and testing of SKR into the MH-47G lead platform. This realignment is another significant step in providing a complete capability to PEO-RW's primary customer, the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR).

PEO-RW continues its focus on rotary wing transformation with growth in numbers and an increase in the capabilities of an already capable fleet of aircraft. Various mission equipment programs address increased payloads, lethality, survivability, and situational awareness while decreasing crew workload. Additionally, PEO-RW is involved in providing SOF with an increased future vertical lift capability through the execution of developmental programs, such as the YMQ-18A Vertical Lift Unmanned Aerial System, and participation in the Under Secretary of Defense Science & Technology led Future Vertical Lift Science & Technology Working Group.

Science & Technology

S&T Objectives

USSOCOM's S&T activities support the Command's acquisition processes. Specifically, the Directorate of Science & Technology (S&T):

  • Seeks out visionary and non-traditional approaches through collaborative engagement;
  • Conducts technology discovery and longer term technology development efforts across the S&T enterprise to provide revolutionary capabilities for the future force;
  • Finds mature technologies that provide operational enhancements for emerging Special Operation Forces (SOF) mission needs; and
  • Coordinates and leverages technology efforts, people, money, and assets to maximize efficiency and effect for USSOCOM.

Technology Discovery

The Special Operations Advanced Technology Collaborative (SOATC) process aligns SOF capability gaps with technology enablers and developers, focuses ongoing efforts across the S&T enterprise, and identifies additional innovation that is required to address these gaps. Through comprehensive technology assessments, the SOATC will be used to assess SOF's critical capability and technology needs and develop strategies to meet them.

Technology Enablers

Operational Enhancements focus on inserting new technologies and capabilities into the battlefield. Hardware and software items technology will be adapted, modified, and/or integrated to meet SOF operational needs. This focus will result in increased capability to SOF operators.

Technical Experimentation

The Directorate of Science & Technology in collaboration with various partners, continues to sponsor Tactical Network Testbed (TNT) events where material experimentation is conducted to provide focus for industry's emerging technologies and capabilities to support SOF. Technical experimentation creates synergy among industry partners, and academia; allows interim assessment of technology as it is being developed; and connects SOF operators to developers.

Special Operations Forces Support Activity

The Program Executive Office for Special Operations Forces Support Activity (PEO-SOFSA) is based out of Bluegrass Station in Lexington, Kentucky. PEO-SOFSA is responsible for executing USSOCOM's largest service contract vehicle, which provides a wide range of tailored contractor logistics support services to the Command's Special Operations Forces (SOF) Service Components and Warfighters worldwide. The PEO-SOFSA mission is to support the SOF community through the execution of contracting, financial management, and operations oversight to ensure dedicated, responsive, and cost-effective contractor logistics support services. To meet this mission, PEO-SOFSA partners with both the Warfighter and the SOFSA prime contractor to ensure best value logistics services and products are being provided to meet the mission-critical, time-sensitive needs of the SOF community.

Special Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Exploitation (SRSE)

Program Executive Office for Special Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Exploitation (PEO-SRSE) is responsible for the acquisition, fielding, and sustainment of intelligence systems for Special Operations Forces (SOF). The systems contribute directly to USSOCOM priorities to deter, disrupt, and defeat terrorist threats and sustain and modernize the force in persistent intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance. The current and projected threats to our national security continue to evolve in response to the increased technological sophistication and effectiveness of our fielded capabilities. PEO-SRSE acquisition strategies have evolved as well—relying primarily on innovative contracting approaches, robust systems engineering processes, evolutionary technology insertions, and a prudent balance of cost, schedule, and performance requirements.

PEO-SRSE's broadly scoped system acquisition responsibilities include technical collection, intelligence support, and identity operations, supported by a uniquely organic and focused research and development program. Responsiveness, with technical depth and program management excellence, is accomplished through product line expert matrix support of SRSE program managers.

SOF Warrior

This diverse organization provides rapid and focused acquisition of Special Operations (SO)-peculiar capabilities to USSOCOM operators conducting decisive ground Special Operations Forces (SOF) activities and global operations against terrorist networks. PEO-SW is a critical enabler to SORDAC's no fail mission to provide effective, wide-ranging, time-sensitive capabilities to widely dispersed and often isolated SOF in several unique commodity areas. PEO-SW manages a portfolio that includes 160 programs and projects, using an investment budget of over $1 billion of Major Force Program-11 (MFP-11) funds over the Future Years Defense Plan. The portfolio is diversified and includes six primary warfighting commodity areas:

  • Ground Mobility;
  • Visual Augmentation Systems;
  • Weapon Systems;
  • Ammunition/Demolition;
  • Soldier Protection and Survival; and
  • Medical Systems.

To preserve critical MFP-11 funding and compress acquisition cycle times, PEO-SW participates in joint, collaborative warfighting equipping boards. Through participation in these inter-service boards, PEO-SW has found creative solutions through leveraging the research and development efforts of the Services and other government organizations. In addition, PEO-SW works in conjunction with Component Commands to ensure Service-provided logistics support is utilized to the maximum extent possible.

US Army Special Operations Command Naval Special Warfare Command Air Force Special Operations Command Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command Joint Special Operations University Special Operations Command - Joint Capabilities Joint Special Operations Command
Headquarters, United States Special Operations Command
7701 Tampa Point Boulevard
MacDill Air Force Base, Florida 33621

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