Frequently Asked Questions

The Secretaries of State

How many Secretaries of State have there been?

For a list of all Secretaries, click here.

Has any member of the Foreign Service served as Secretary of State?

The only member of the Foreign Service to have served as Secretary of State was Lawrence S. Eagleburger, who served from December 8, 1992 until January 19, 1993. Eagleburger had served as Acting Secretary of State from August 23, 1992.

Who was the first woman to serve as Secretary of State?

Madeleine K. Albright was the first woman to serve as Secretary of State.

Who was the first African American to serve as Secretary of State?

Colin Powell was the first African American to serve as Secretary of State.

Were there equivalents to the Secretary of State prior to the Constitution?

There were two Secretaries of Foreign Affairs under the Continental Congress. Robert R. Livingston served from October 20, 1781 until June 4, 1783. John Jay served from May 7, 1784 until March 4, 1789.

Who was the first Secretary of State to travel outside the United States while in office?

William H. Seward took a working vacation in the Caribbean between January 1 and January 28, 1866. He met with Danish colonial officials in the Virgin Islands, with the Presidents of the Dominican Republic and Haiti, and with Spanish colonial officials in Cuba.

For general information on the travel of the Secretary of State, please click here.

Who was the first Secretary of State to travel outside the United States on official business?

The first official travel by a Secretary of State outside the United States was by Elihu Root in 1906. Root left the United States on July 4 and attended the Third International Conference of American States in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, after which he visited Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Panama, and Colombia.

For general information on the travel of the Secretary of State, please click here.