Frequently Asked Questions

What formats are FRUS volumes available in?

FRUS volumes are available in a variety of formats. While not all volumes are available in all formats, the Office of the Historian is working actively to expand the digitization of its FRUS catalog.

  • Print: many volumes in the series are available in print and sold by the Government Printing Office.
  • E-book: newer FRUS volumes are available as e-books, compatible with popular readers such as the Kindle and iPad. Click here for more information on the e-book program.
  • Online: newer FRUS volumes are available in full on our website. Click here for a list of volumes with links to the full text.
  • PDF: newer FRUS volumes are available in Adobe’s Portable Document Format (PDF), which you can download from our website. Click here for a list of volumes with links to the PDFs.