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  1. Albanian Justice Sector Strengthening Project (JuST)
    Planned LOP:  09/27/2010-09/26/2015
    Despite improvements in court performance, there continues to be an overall lack of transparency in Albania’s judicial system and significant challenges in addressing corruption in the sector.  USAID’s justice sector project promotes court transparency, fairness, and efficiency; bolsters watchdog and anticorruption roles of civil society organizations and media; and strengthens the legal profession and legal education in Albania.  The project is part of ongoing US support to the rule of law in Albania with an emphasis on improving justice delivery and realizing public demand for accountability in the justice sector.  
  2. Planning and Local Governance Program (PLGP)
    Planned LOP:  01/03/2012-01/02/2017
    USAID’s Planning and Local Governance Project (PLGP) provides technical assistance and training to the Government of Albania (GOA) and to Albanian local government institutions – to support their efforts to successfully implement decentralization legislation, policies and reforms. The project aims to improve the efficiency, transparency and accountability of local government operations, improve local government management and oversight of public utilities to provide services in line with EU standards, and strengthen the capabilities of the GOA and local governments to plan and manage urban and regional growth.
  3. Enabling Equitable Health Reforms in Albania (EEHR)
    Planned LOP:  10/01/2010 – 09/30/2015
    Over the last decade, USAID has worked to strengthen Albania’s primary health care system, establishing models for health information, financing, and delivery systems that have had an impact in hospitals and rural clinics across Albania.  In partnership with the Ministry of Health, USAID’s equitable health reform strengthens Albania’s health financing system, matching resources with performance and quality standards for primary health clinics and hospitals, in order to provide more affordable and accessible health care for all Albanians.
  4. Integrated Telemedicine and e-Health Program in Albania
    Partner: International Virtual e-Hospital Foundation (IVeH)
    Planned LOP:  09/30/2009-09/30/2012
    This program is helping build an integrated national telemedicine and e-health network to improveaccess and quality of medical care in Albani, particularly in rural areas.  Through a partnership with the Office of Defense Cooperation,a  National Telemedicine Center of Albania and 14 regional hospitals are being rehabilitated to house telemedicine centers.  USAID provides equipment and training on how to utilize technology to support better diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases and injuries, improve research and evaluation, and strengthen continuing education programs. 
  5. Development Credit Authority (DCA) Guarantee for Municipal Lending
    Partners: Raiffeisen Bank in Albania and National Commercial Bank of Albania
    Planned LOP:  09/29/2008-09/30/2020
    To facilitate borrowing for local governments, USAID/Albania, Raiffeisen Bank in Albania, and the National Commercial Bank of Albania are implementing a $13.5 million Loan Portfolio Guarantee Agreement to help cities finance creditworthy development projects.
  6. Support for Albania’s National Shelter Coalition
    Partner: International Organization for Migration
    Planned LOP:  09/30/2009 – 09/30/2011
    Through a grant to the International Organization of Migration, USAID supports shelters for trafficking victims and strengthens the Government of Albania’s efforts become compliant with the U.S. Trafficking Victims Protection Act. 
  7. Economic Empowerment of People with Disabilities
    Partner: Albanian Disability Rights Foundation
    Planned LOP:  09/14/2010-09/13/2012
    This program stimulates employment opportunities for people with disabilities in Albania by raising public and Government of Albania awareness of international human rights and labor integration policies.  Through education, training, and pilot initiatives, the project improves the accessibility of the disabled to internship opportunities and Vocational Education and Training (VET), aimed particularly at women and youth.


  1. Competitive Enterprise Development Program (Rritje Albania)
    Planned LOP:  03/18/2009-03/17/2014
    The Competitive Enterprise Development (CED) program strengthens the competiveness and productivity of Albanian private enterprises in the non-agricultural sector.  The project provides support to businesses to strengthen their trade and investment capacities, increase enterprise productivity, and improve Albania’s workforce in tourism, recycling, information and communication technology, and textile industries.  The project seeks to develop strategic public-private partnerships(PPP) that support private sector growth in Albania. To date, the project has utilized a PPP model to establish Albania’s first ICT training and resource center, PROTIK, that will support the development and use of ICT innovations for small businesses and promote ICT sector growth. Alliance partners include: the Albanian-American Development Foundation, the Government of Albania, USAID, Microsoft Albania, Hewlett-Packard, Cisco, and Albtelecom. 
  2. Financial Sector Development Program
    Partnerr: Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance (VEGA)
    Planned LOP:  09/28/2011-09/27/2012
    USAID’s Financial Sector Development Program seeks to strengthen Albania’s financial sector stability and increase public confidence in the banking system in order to stimulate private sector growth, foreign direct investment, and job creation. USAID provides technical assistance to build the Bank of Albania’s capacity to manage risks in the financial sector and within financial institutions, and to enable the Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) to build capital markets as a source of non-bank finance for the private sector.
  3. Albanian Agriculture Competitiveness Program (AAC)
    Planned LOP:  07/13/2007-07/12/2012
    The Albanian Agriculture Competitiveness (AAC) program strengthens the competitiveness of high-value agricultural products in order to promote sustained growth in Albania’s agricultural sector.  The program provides technical assistance to farmers on ways to improve the productivity of their operations and better respond to trade conditions and opportunities.  To date, AAC has assisted farmers growing tree crops (apple, citrus and olive), greenhouse vegetables (tomatoes, cucumber, pepper), open field vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, onions, cabbage, melons, potatoes), and herbs and spices.
  4. Development Credit Authority (DCA) Guarantee for SME Lending
    Partner: Raiffeisen Bank.
    Planned LOP:  09/29/2005-09/30/2019
    USAID/Albania and Raiffeisen Bank in Albania is implementing a $12 million Loan Portfolio Guarantee Agreement to increase small and medium enterprise access to financial resources – needed to expand and diversify their products and services. 
  5. Albania Distribution Privatization Program
    Planned LOP:  10/20/2011-10/21/2013
    Following the privatization od energy distribution services, USAID is providing technical assistance to support the implementation of Albania’s energy stratgey to improve the availability, efficiency, and reliability of energy supplies at reasonable costs. USAID specifically focuses on strengthening the capacity of the Energy Regulatory Entity to effectively and independently regulate policies and procedures for tariff setting in compliance with EU directives and based on service costs, licensing, and energy market developments.
  6. Clean Energy in Albania Program
    Planned LOP:  09/30/2010-09/29/2013
    USAID/Albania’s Clean Energy Program improves energy efficiency, increase use of renewable energy, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  The program works with the Government of Albania and the private sector to remove barriers to clean energy development and build both national and regional capacities for investment and financing.  The program is part of a larger regional clean energy program, in partnership with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in the Balkans, Central and Eastern Europe.
  7. Albanian Cyber-Security Program
    Planned LOP:  04/01/2011-09/30/2012
    USAID’s Albanian Cyber-Security Program is building the Government of Albania’s capacity to prevent and respond to cyber-security incidents.   The program will enable the Government of Albania to gather computer security incident reports; design and maintain a database of systems data that includes security incidents; develop a notification service for warnings, precautions and responses; implement intervention strategies; provide network security assessments; and build relations with peer security organizations.

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