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The Parameters staff is pleased to make available online all articles from previous years. Articles now are posted in complete volume numbers from 1971 to 2011.
Index of Books Reviewed in Parameters
This index lists only those books and CD-ROMs that are received by Parameters from the publishers and are subsequently reviewed in the journal.

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Autumn 2012, Vol. 42, No. 3

American Landpower and the Middle East of 2030
by Michael R. Eastman

The Afghanistan Experience: Democratization by Force
by Cora Sol Goldstein

Strategy, Stability, and Security

       COIN is Dead—Long Live Transformation
        by Matthew Ford, Patrick Rose, and Howard Body

       Afghanistan: Strategy and War Termination
        by Christopher Tuck

       The Futility of Force and the Preservation of Power: British Strategic
       Failure in America, 1780-83
        by Daniel T. Canfield

The Internet, New Media, and the Evolution of Insurgency
by Steven Metz



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