rican Development Foundation

A United States Government Agency


provides economic development grants directly to marginalized groups in conflict and post-conflict areas in Africa

       Development Results in Africa
Number of
Total Grant
New Economic
409 $67M $183M 1,227,000 79%

(Active Grants per 10/15/12) 
                     See Country Pages for Grant Details 


USADF adds two new board members click here

Shari Berenbach featured in the National Journal click here

USADF - Shari Berenbach sworn in as new President, "It's an honor to lead USADF" click here

USADF names new President Shari Berenbach click here

USADF helping Turkana pastorialists innovate to build resistance to drought
click here

USADF helps Tanzanian farmers access international markets through Feed the Future click here

USADF promotes clean energy in Malawi with conference that boosts low pollution stoves click here

Malawi Dairy Farmers Receive Major US Grant click here












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Foreign Assistance That Works

The United States African Development Foundation is an independent Federal agency established to support African-designed and African-driven solutions that address grassroots economic and social problems in conflict and post-conflict communities. 

USADF provides grants of up to $250,000 directly to marginalized community groups and enterprises in Africa. These grants help organizations create and sustain jobs, improve income levels, and address social development needs. 

$67 Million of Development Grants in Africa


                    (click on Country to explore USADF Grants)

Project Spotlight

Photo: Local Tuareg herders in Tillia Commune near the border of Mali share a laugh while drawing water from a USADF well.

Since 2009, USADF grantee ONG Aharog has ensure vulnerable herders near the border of Mali have access to clean, accessible water which maintains their traditional pastorialst way of life in northern Niger.


USADF's seven key principles help ensure USADF stays true to its mission.

(1) Model high effectiveness and low overhead operations.
(2) Focus program activities on marginalized communities in Africa.
(3) Invest in African ideas through participatory development.
(4) Ensure projects result in more JOBS AND HIGHER INCOME LEVELS.
(5) Promote African led and managed field project support.
(6) Achieve the highest levels of OPenness and transparency.
(7) Support and develop an equal opportunity, RESULTS DRIVEN STAFF that rewards hard work, dedication to the mission, and personal success.

1400 I Street NW, Suite 1000 | Washington. D.C. 20005-2248 | P: 202-673-3916 | F: 202.673.3810  .