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Mission Op-eds

Mission Op-eds

  • Ambassador Scott DeLisi
    Uganda and the Global Community: Working Together for an AIDS-Free Generation

    Every year on December 1, the global community comes together to commemorate World AIDS Day. It is a day to reflect on the lives lost, and those forever changed, as a result of AIDS. It is also an opportunity for us to acknowledge that 34 million people worldwide are living with HIV. 

  • Chargé d’Affaires a.i.
Virginia Blaser
    16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence

    Sixteen. This number has special meaning for many young women in the United States who look forward to their “sweet sixteen” birthday party. Many American parents see this milestone as the bittersweet moment when their little girl begins to move toward adulthood, with new responsibilities, opportunities, and challenges. 

  • The United States’ Partnership with Africa
    The United States’ Partnership with Africa

    Last month, I went on a nine-country trip that took me from West Africa, to East Africa and the Horn, to Southern Africa. At every stop, I saw how America is working with our African partners—governments, the private sector, and civil society—to deliver concrete benefits for people. This work doesn’t always draw headlines, and too few Africans and Americans are aware of what we’re doing together. So it’s worth taking a closer look at what we can accomplish when we build sustainable relationships that empower rather than exploit—that are based on partnership, not patronage.  

  • Chargé d’Affaires a.i.
Virginia Blaser
    Working Together Toward an AIDS-Free Generation

    Since 2004, the American people have invested over $1.7 billion in support of the national HIV response in Uganda. Working with the Government of Uganda, civil society, community and faith-based groups, other donors, and our implementing partners, the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has made a major contribution to saving lives. 

  • Ambassador Jerry Lanier
    New Voices Helping Media Transform Society

    Press freedoms are the modern day indicators for measuring the health of a democracy. In the old days, coal miners would take a canary into the mine as an early warning system. 

  • Ambassador Jerry Lanier
    World Malaria Day Op-Ed

    Malaria has afflicted people for centuries, not only damaging health, but also diminishing educational achievement, worker productivity, and economic development over the long term.  

  • Ambassador Jerry P. Lanier
    World Tuberculosis Day 2012

    March 23, 2012 - Each year, tuberculosis (TB) kills more adults worldwide than any disease but HIV. In Uganda, about 5,000 die every year as a result of the infection. TB remains the leading cause of death among people who are HIV positive. On March 24th, the U.S. Mission to Uganda, together with our partners, seeks to mobilize action in line with the World Tuberculosis Day 2012 theme: “A World Free of TB."