
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate.


Make Friends Across Cultures

ExchangesConnect is a great place to meet all types of people from around the world.

Click the Members tab on the top toolbar from any page on the site to see a list of our current members.

Use our Advanced Search tool to find friends from a specific country or exchange program. You can also invite people who you already know to join ExchangesConnect by clicking Invite on the top toolbar. Once you find someone you would like to meet, click "Add as Friend" next to his or her name.

Making and Keeping Friends on ExchangesConnect

Remember that because of our diversity, we all have unique styles of communicating. Before adding a lot of friends, we suggest that you customize your own profile page by adding a photo and some information about yourself. People are more likely to communicate with someone who looks friendly and with whom they may share some interests.

We suggest that when you friend a member, you should leave a friendly, positive message on his or her wall introducing yourself. Let your new friend know a little bit about yourself and why you joined ExchangesConnect.

Communication Tip: We suggest not getting too "personal" when communicating with new friends (for example, commenting on their appearance, using terms of endearment or nicknames, or asking about their age, location, or other personal information that is not already shown on their profile page). Since we all come from different cultures, we have different expectations for privacy. Try to respect your new friends' privacy.

Make sure that you pay attention when your friend responds to you, and show interest in what your friend has to say. Ask your friend about his or her life and country, and see if you have any common interests that you can discuss.

Finally, notice what makes your friend unique and think about the different ways that diversity makes our world richer and more colorful.

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