Neutrons Sciences Directorate at ORNL
Shull Fellowship banner

The Clifford G. Shull Fellowship was established in recognition of Clifford G. Shull, corecipient of the 1994 Nobel Prize in Physics, for his pioneering contributions to the development of neutron diffraction techniques for the studies of condensed matter. Shull began his work in 1946 at what is now ORNL. The distinguished scientist is often referred to as the "father of neutron scattering."

The Shull Fellowship Program is directed to recent doctoral-degree recipients of exceptional ability who show clear and definite promise of becoming outstanding leaders in scientific research and development. The program provides them with opportunity to:

  • Develop neutron science programs in areas of national importance.
  • Pursue research programs within their areas of interest and expertise.
  • Collaborate with ORNL research and development staff and distinguished scientists.
  • Have access to ORNL expertise, facilities, and programs.

Recruitment and employment procedures for Shull fellows are the same as for all professional research and development staff members, with the exception that the Shull Selection Committee serves as the ad hoc review committee.


Each applicant must be the recipient of an earned doctorate and must be no more than three years beyond the doctorate. Applicants should not have previously served more than one postdoctoral appointment. Current ORNL postdoctoral appointees and staff members cannot be considered as valid applicants for the Shull Fellowship.

In addition to your CV, please include a short research statement and names of at least three professional/academic references.

Appointment of the Shull Fellowship may be made conditionally before actual conferral of the doctorate, provided the candidate has a reasonable expectation of completing all requirements for the degree before the anticipated date of hire. The conferring university must supply a statement that all requirements have been met.

There are no citizenship requirements for Shull Fellowships in addition to the required DOE access approval which ORNL will initiate for the selected candidates, if needed. ORNL’s Foreign National Office will aid in processing any Visa Requirements.

Duration of Appointment

Shull Fellows are appointed for a two-year term, renewable for a third. No extensions or reappointments of the Shull Fellowship can be granted.