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Annual Reports

The Institute for Water Resources prepares a written report on its activities for inclusion in the Annual Report of the Secretary of the Army on Civil Works Activities. Preparation of the annual report includes canvassing the staff of the Institute for their major activities, achievements, and notable accomplishments during the preceding fiscal year, compiling the information into a suitable document and forwarding it to USACE Headquarters for inclusion in the Secretary of the Army's Annual Report. A corollary activity associated with this project is the preparation of articles to appear on the IWR website. These articles are designed to capture the ongoing work and activities of the Institute throughout the year. The preparation the Annual Report and articles which appear on the IWR website communicate IWR’s activities including the development of new planning techniques and methodologies, models, and other tools in the advancement of water resources planning and policy.

Fact Sheet (pdf, 132 KB)

IWR Excerpts from Report of the Secretary of the Army on Civil Works Activities:

Building Strong
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