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Abandoned Mine Lands

Restoring the Environment of Abandoned Mine Lands

In general, abandoned mine lands are lands and waters adversely impacted by inadequately reclaimed coal mining operations on lands that were not subject to the reclamation requirements of the Surface Mining Law. Hazards to humans often associated with abandoned mine lands include open entrances to underground mines, collapse of mine workings under structures, unreclaimed or inadequately reclaimed refuse piles, and fumes and surface instability resulting from mine fires and burning coal refuse. Restoration activities under the abandoned mine reclamation program correct or mitigate these and other hazards.

The Western Region of the Office of Surface Mining administers the Federal Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Program, which includes restoration of coal mine hazards in western states and tribes which do not have a state/tribe AML program approved under the Surface Mining Law. These include: California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, and most tribal lands.

Contact Information

For more information about the Federal AML Program or to report an emergency, please contact The Olympia Area Office at (360) 753 - 9538.

For more information about OSM Reclaiming Abandoned Mine Lands, visit the OSM website


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WEB Page Last Updated: 06/01/2010
Website Last Updated:
January 25, 2013

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