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Message from the Ambassador

U.S. Ambassador to Angola (State Dept.)

Ambassador Christopher J. McMullen

Foreign investment is vital to economic growth around the globe. Investment creates jobs, broadens economic opportunities, and raises living standards in the United States and in other countries such as Angola.

Angola has one of the highest growth rates in Africa and is our third largest trading partner in sub-Saharan Africa in terms of exports. U.S. goods exports to Angola in 2011 were $1.4 billion, up 16% from 2010 (mostly due to increase in exports of transportation equipment).

Angola offers both high returns and great risks to investors and exporters. My staff and I are available to offer advice, market knowledge, and contacts to assist you in your investment in Angola. We are working to enhance the opportunities for U.S. companies to participate in the Angolan economy and for Angolan companies interested in doing business in the United States.