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Synopsis of Travel Promotion Act

The Travel Promotion Act of 2009 (the Act) will have significant operational, managerial and funding impacts on the Department of Commerce. Specifically, the Act:

  • Establishes the Corporation for Travel Promotion, a nonprofit entity, to communicate U.S. entry policies and otherwise promote leisure, business and scholarly travel to the United States.

  • Authorizes the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Secretaries of State and Homeland Security, to appoint the Corporation’s board of directors, review and approve the Corporation’s annual objectives, and transmit the Corporation’s report to Congress.

  • Funds the Corporation from the collection of a fee assessed on travelers from visa waiver countries in the completion of a form under the DHS requirement for the Electronic System of Travel Authorization (ESTA).
    • In year one, the Corporation is to be funded from a drawdown of up to $10 million.

    • In year two, the drawdown is up to $100 million with a 50% match by industry (80% of the match can be in-kind, 20% must be in cash).

    • In years three, four and five, the drawdown is up to $100 million with 100% industry match.

    • In year six and beyond, funding of the Corporation would be by industry assessment only as the Act sunsets in 2014.

  • Establishes an Office of Travel Promotion within the Department, to be headed by a Director appointed by, and reporting to, the Secretary who has significant travel and tourism industry experience. The Office will serve as a liaison to the Corporation and be responsible for a broad range of additional activities.

  • Additionally, authorizes a major expansion of the research programs currently administered by the International Trade Administration’s Office of Travel and Tourism Industries.
Travel Promotion Act

Detailed Summary of Key Points

Federal Register Notice: Call for Applications for Corporation for Travel Promotion Board of Directors

Videolink of President Obama Signing the Travel Promotion Act

President Barack Obama signs the tourism bill March 4, 2010

President Barack Obama signs the
tourism bill March 4, 2010

Brand USA
Corporation for Travel Promotion Website

Current CTP Board Members

2012 CTP Board Announcement

2010 CTP Board Announcement

CTP Board Meetings

     February 02, 2011
          Meeting Announcement
          Meeting Agenda

     January 06, 2011
          Meeting Announcement

     December 01, 2010
          Meeting Announcement
          Meeting Minutes

     November 11, 2010
          Meeting Announcement
          Meeting Minutes