Links to comprehensive cancer control resources for public health professionals

About This Site

Cancer control planners, program staff, and researchers have the same goals: to reduce cancer risk, the number of new cancer cases, and the number of deaths from cancer, as well as enhance the quality of life for cancer survivors. While many share the same goals, all do not have easy access to resources that can facilitate the transfer of evidence-based research findings into practice. This Cancer Control P.L.A.N.E.T. portal provides access to data and resources that can help planners, program staff, and researchers to design, implement and evaluate evidence-based cancer control programs.

The Cancer Control P.L.A.N.E.T. portal provides access to Web-based resources that can assist in:

  • Assessing the cancer and/or risk factor burden within a given state.
  • Identifying potential partners that may already be working with high-risk populations.
  • Understanding the current research findings and recommendations.
  • Accessing and downloading evidence-based programs and products.
  • Finding guidelines for planning and evaluation.