Center for Integrated Data Analytics


Center for Integrated Data Analytics

Data center projects


Project Name Project Description and Contact
Host Website
Geo Data Portal (GDP) The Geo Data Portal (GDP) project aims to support simple, rapid development of thin user interfaces (like web portals) to commonly needed environmental modeling-related data access and manipulation tools.

For questions contact Dave Blodgett (

USGS Mercury Research Laboratory Data Management Lab information data management and distribution for the USGS Mercury Research Laboratory

For questions about the Mercury Research Laboratory and access to mercury data, please contact the Mercury Team Staff ( For questions about the database management system, please contact Phethala Thongsavanh (

USGS Publications Warehouse The USGS Publications Warehouse is an online searchable interface of USGS publications, providing access to citation information and the publications themselves.

For questions please use the "Contact the Pubs Warehouse Team" link in the footer of all USGS Publications Warehouse webpages

Publications warehouse
Environmental Data Discovery and Transformation EnDDaT is an online tool used to discover data from our natural environment. This tool accesses data from a variety of data sources, compiles and processes the data, and performs common transformations.

For questions about EnDDaT, please contact the EnDDaT Team Staff (

BioData - Aquatic Bioassessment Data for the Nation Biodata - Enter (internal access) and Retrieve (public access) aquatic bioassessment data including fish, macroinvertebrate, and algae community data as well as habitat assessment information collected by USGS scientists from stream ecosystems across the nation.

For questions contact Biodata Data Stewards

SPARROW Model Decision Support An online mapping interface to a Decision Support System based on the NAWQA SPARROW (SPAtially Referenced Regressions On Watershed attributes) models for predicting constituent loads in streams.

For questions contact Lorraine Murphy (

National Environmental Monitoring Index (NEMI) Database and website management for the National Environmental Monitoring Index (NEMI), a user-friendly, searchable, online methods database which allows search and comparison of regulatory and non-regulatory analytical methods.

For questions please contact the NEMI Group (

Water Quality Portal The Water Quality Portal and web services integrates publicly available water quality data from the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS) and the EPA STOrage and RETrieval (STORET) Data Warehouse.

For questions contact Nate Booth (

National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Data Warehouse Database and application development that serves water quality data collected by the USGS NAWQA program in the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Data Warehouse

For questions please contact NAWQA Data Warehouse staff (

Wisconsin Beach Health Database management and websites for the Wisconsin Beach Health project which store and serve data related to beach water quality monitoring in Wisconsin.

Please see the "City and County Health Department Contacts" page of the Wisconsin Beach Health website for contacts about data for particular beaches and monitoring of Wisconsin beaches. For questions about the website or applications please contact the Webmaster (

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Bureau of Fisheries Database and Website Database management for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Bureau of Fisheries Management which includes collection of data related to monitoring, creel surveys, fish kill investigations, tournaments and regulations.

For questions about the WDNR Fisheries Management database as managed by the WDNR Bureau of Fisheries Management, please contact Joanna Griffin ( For questions about the website or applications, please contact Kathryn Schoephoester (

DNR Bureau of Fisheries database

WDNR Fisheries Management

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Fish Mapper Application and database management for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Fish Mapper which displays relative abundance of fish species throughout Wisconsin based on WDNR monitoring.

For questions about the Fish Mapper data, please contact John Lyons ( For questions about the database and applications, please contact Kathryn Schoephoester (

WDNR fish mapper

Fish Mapper Guide/Documentation

Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Corridor Study Database management for the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Corridor Study. The MMSD Corridor Study is being used to identify existing waterway limitations, and to evaluate and forecast the potential impacts or improvements from watercourse modifications.

For questions about the MMSD Corridor study, please contact Steve Corsi ( For questions about the database and applications, please contact Morgan Schneider (

Milwaukee Metro Sewerage District project

MMSD CS Phase I Report (USGS Report WRIR 2003-4240)

MMSD CS Phase II Report (USGS Report SIR 2007-5084)

Great Lakes Beach Science Database management, reporting, and application development for the Great Lakes Beach Science project,the mission of which is to provide science-based information and methods that will allow beach managers to more accurately make beach closure and advisory decisions, understand the sources and physical processes affecting beach contaminants, and understand how science-based information can be used to mitigate and restore beaches and protect the public.

For questions about the Great Lakes Beach Science project, please refer to the "Contacts" section on the Great Lakes Beaches homepage. For questions about the website and applications, please contact the webmaster (

Great Lakes Beach Science

Understanding Beach Health Throughout the Great Lakes - Entering a New Era of Investigations Fact Sheet (USGS Report FS-2010-3093)

Watershed Regressions for Pesticides (WARP) Atrazine Model Interactive application and CIDA web-mapping framework for the USGS National Water Quality Assessment Program's Watershed Regressions for Pesticides (WARP) Atrazine Model The WARP model predicts specific concentration statistics for a selected pesticide (in this case, atrazine).

For questions contact Nate Booth (

WARP atrazine model online map

National Groundwater Monitoring Network (NGWMN) Data Portal The NGWMN Data Portal, a pilot effort in 2011, is the means by which policy makers, academics and the public are able to access groundwater data through one seamless web-based application from disparate data sources. The data portal facilitates the retrieval of and access to groundwater data on an as-needed basis from multiple, dispersed data repositories allowing the data to continue to be housed and managed by the data provider while being accessible for the purposes of the national monitoring network.

For questions contact Jessica Lucido (

Billable Hours Tracking System Billable Hours Tracking System (BTS) development and support for the USGS Enterprise Publishing Network. BTS allows the Publishing Network to manage time spent on projects, generate necessary reports for billing, provide summary reports for management, and identify areas of high and low productivity as well as provide benchmarks for tracking improvement to the efficiency of the system.

For questions contact Carolyn Emmanuelli (

Internal USGS application
Mercury Susceptibility in U.S. National Parks Database development and analysis of water quality and soils information regarding mercury susceptibility in U.S. National Parks.

For questions contact Nate Booth (

Internal USGS application
NASQAN Manage the integration of NASQAN (National Stream Quality Accounting Network project) data into the NAWQA Data Warehouse (NASQAN incorporation efforts are ongoing).

For questions contact Jessica Thompson (

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Online Fishes of Wisconsin Application and database management for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Online Fishes of Wisconsin,an e-book providing detailed information on the name, taxonomy, appearance, identification, size and growth, distribution, abundance, habitat, reproduction, feeding interactions with other species, and importance and value to people for all species known in the state of Wisconsin.

For questions about the Fishes of Wisconsin online e-book content, please contact Dr. John Lyons ( For questions about the website and applications, please contact the Webmaster (

Fishes of Wisconsin

Fishes of Wisconsin Overview

Great Lakes Restoration Initiative – USGS Great lakes data and project information database (GLRI DB) The GLRI DB project is compiling USGS great lakes datasets and USGS GLRI project information for and making them available in easily accessible formats.

For questions contact Dave Blodgett (

Great Lakes Restoration Initiative – DOI Backbone to the Great Lakes Observation System (GLOS) The data management portion of the GLRI GLOS efforts (related GLOS efforts: deploying monitoring equipment, analyzing chemistry samples, and modeling) include compiling USGS data and improving USGS real-time data feeds for the Great Lakes Basin to form the DOI backbone that links USGS databases to Great Lakes Observing System via common data formats and exchange interfaces.

For questions contact Dave Blodgett (

Internal application, in development (public release in the future)

Implementation of the Great Lakes Observing System

National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center (NCCWSC) Proposal to create a comprehensive Web-based database of high-resolution climate-change projections that can be used to assess the impacts of climate change on ecosystems throughout the continental United States.

For questions contact Dave Blodgett (

PakWaters Data Warehouse Database management system for Pakistani government to store data on water resources of Pakistan.

For questions contact Jessica Thompson (

USDA-USGS Pathogen Laboratory Database management system for a joint USDA-ARS/USGS pathogen laboratory which was created in 2011.

For questions contact Mark Borchardt (Mark.Borchardt@ARS.USDA.GOV, 715-387-4943).

Internal application, in development
Historic Quadrangle Scanning Project (HQSP) The Historic Quadrangle Scanning Project (HQSP) is a project that is scanning and capturing the metadata for the 250,000 topographic maps published by the USGS since 1884.

For questions contact Tracey Cadkin (

Internal production application
Well Vulnerability educational website and assessment tool for NAWQA TANC (Transport of Anthropogenic and Natural Contaminants) An educational site for water supply managers and others interested in the potential vulnerability of groundwater, based on the work of the NAWQA TANC team.

For questions contact Jessica Thompson (

Internal production application (public release in the future)

USGS NAWQA Transport of Anthropogenic and Natural Contaminants website


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