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Dipak Barua

CNLS Postdoctoral Research Associate

Rule-Based Computational Modeling of Cell Signal Transduction Pathways

Dipak Barua

Office: TA-3, Bldg 1690, Room 130
Mail Stop: B285
Phone: (505) 667-0227
Fax: (505) 665-7652
home page

Research highlight
     Educational Background/Employment:
    • B.S. (2002) Chemical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
    • M.S. (2005) Chemical Engineering, North Carolina State Univeristy
    • Ph.D. (2008) Chemical Engineering, North Carolina State University
    • Employment:
      • 2008-2010 Postdoc, Chemical and Biological Engineering, UW-Madison

    Research Interests:

    • Modeling of Cell Signal Transduction Pathways.
    • Systems Biology Approach to Protein Engineering.

    Selected Recent Publications:

    1. Liu, Y., Barua, D., Zwartz, G., Liu, P., Wilson, WS., Oliver, JM., Hlavacek, WS., Singh, A. Single-cell measurements of IgE-mediated FcεRI signaling using an integrated microfluidic platform (submitted).
    2. Mahajan, A., Barua, D., Cutler, P., Lidke, DS., Zwartz, G., Espinoza, F., Tung, CS., Bradbury, AR., Oliver, JM., Hlavacek, WS., Wilson, BS. Crosslinking of FcεRI with new trivalent ligand: structural insights into signal initiation and negative regulation (submitted).
    3. Barua, D., Goldstein, B. A mechanistic model of early FcεRI signaling: lipid rafts and the question of protection from dephosphorylation (submitted).
    4. Martin, KR.*, Barua, D.*, Kauffman, AL., Westrate, LM., Posner, RG., Hlavacek, WS., MacKeigan, JP. Computational model for autophagic vesicle dynamics in single cells, (accepted in Autophagy).
    5. Barua, D., Hlavacek, WS., Lipniacki, T. A mechanistic model of early B cell antigen receptor signaling, The Journal of Immunology. 189, 646-658 (2012).
    6. Barua, D.*, Kim, J.*, Reed, JL. An automated phenotype-driven approach (GeneForce) for refining metabolic and regulatory network models, PLoS Computational Biology. 6, e1000970 (2010).
    7. Barua, D., Faeder, JR., Haugh, JM. A Bipolar clamp mechanism for activation of Jak-Family protein tyrosine kinases, PLoS Computational Biology. 5, e1000364 (2009).
    8. Barua, D., Faeder, JR., Haugh, JM. Computational models of tandem Src homology 2 domain interactions and application to phosphoinositide 3-Kinase, The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 283, 7338-7345 (2008).
    9. Barua, D., Faeder, JR., Haugh, JM. Structure-Based kinetic models of modular signaling protein function: focus on Shp2, Biophysical Journal. 92, 2290-2300 (2007).
    10. Barua, D., Gougousi, T., Young, ED., Parsons, GN. Supercritical-carbon dioxide-assisted cyclic deposition of metal oxide and metal thin films, Applied Physics Letters. 88, 092904 (2006).
    11. Gougousi, T., Barua, D., Young, ED., Parsons, GN. Metal oxide thin films deposited from metal organic precursors in supercritical CO2 solutions, Chemistry of Materials. 17, 5093-5100 (2005).

      * - Co-first author

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