Research Interest:

Research interest lies at the interface of biology and the physical sciences. The general thrust

of my research program is aimed at developing and applying computational methodologies to

understand structural characteristics, kinetics and thermodynamics of peptides, proteins and



Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Quantum Chemical Calculations

Enhanced Sampling Methods

Rule-based models

Molecular Modeling & Force fields

Network Theory

Coarse-grained Approaches

Free Energy and Binding Calculations




Research Projects:

Our basic science research program is aligned towards supporting emerging national security

missions. We apply our expertise in computational structural biology capabilities towards both

health and energy securities.



* Energy landscape and conformational variability of disordered proteins


* Characterization of interactions at the bio-nanomaterial interface


* Dynamics of surface proteins of HIV and Rational vaccine design


* Protein Folding, misfolding and aggregation  


* Biochemical and thermochemical conversion of lignocellulosic biomass


* Multivalent binding and allostery in signaling molecules


* Protein conformational networks and folding pathways


* Interfacing All-atom simulations with spectral measurements


* Perturbation of local solvent and protein structures by metals


* Role of glycolipids and sugars in host-pathogen interactions


* Rational enzyme design: Increasing turnover and Biasing chirality



Research Group


Anurag Sethi – CNLS Postdoctoral Fellow

Parthasarthi Ramakrishnan – Directors Postdoctoral Fellow

Giovanni Bellesia – CNLS Postdoctoral Fellow

Jianhui Tian – Research Postdoctoral Fellow




Tongye Shen (Postdoc)  – Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee & Oakridge National Lab

Andrea Asztalos (Summer Student) – Postdoc, RPI










Korber B, Gnanakaran S.  AIDS/HIV. Converging on an HIV vaccine. Science. 2011 Sep 16; 333, 1589-90.


A. Sethi, B. Goldstein and S. Gnanakaran. Quantifying intramolecular binding in multivalent interactions: A structure-based synergistic study on Grb2:Sos1 complex. PLoS Comput. Biol., (in press).


R. Parthasarathi, J. Tian, A. Redondo, and S. Gnanakaran, A Quantum Chemical Study of Carbohydrate-Phospholipid Interactions, J. Phys. Chem A (Bader�s Special Issue) (In Press).


R. Parthasarathi, G Bellesia, Shishir P.S Chundawat, Bruce E. Dale, P Langan and S Gnanakaran. New Insights into Hydrogen Bonding and Stacking Interactions in Cellulose. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2011 (in press).


S. Gnanakaran, Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Marcus Daniels, Brandon F. Keele, Peter Hraber, Alan Lapedes, Tongye Shen, Ming Zhang, Brian Gaschen, Hui Li, Julie. M. Decker, Jesus F. Salazar-Gonzalez, Shuyi Wang, Feng Gao, Ronald Swanstrom, Jeffrey Anderson, Myron Cohen, Martin Markowitz, Paul A. Goepfert, Michael S. Saag, Joseph J. Eron, Charles B. Hicks, William A. Blattner, Georgia D. Tomaras, Mohammed Ashmal, Norman L. Letvin, William Schief, Andrew Ban, Peter Gilbert, Craig Magaret, Barton Haynes7, George M. Shaw5, Beatrice H. Hahn5 Bette Korber. Transmission and Chronic Infection Amino Acid Signatures in HIV-1 B clade Envelope Proteins. PLoS Pathogens. 2011 (in press).


Harshini Mukundan, Dominique N. Price, Matthew Goertz, Ramakrishnan Parthasarathi, Gabriel A. Monta�o, Sandeep Kumar, Matthew R. Scholfield, Aaron S. Anderson, S. Gnanakaran, Srinivas Iyer, Jurgen Schmidt and Basil I. Swanson. Understanding the Interaction of Lipoarabinomannan with Membrane Mimetic Architectures. Tuberculosis, (In Press).


Bellesia, Giovanni; Chundawat, Shishir P.S. ; Langan, Paul; Dale, Bruce; Gnanakaran, S. Probing the Early Events Associated with Liquid Ammonia Pretreatment of Native Crystalline Cellulose. J. Phys. Chem. B. 2011 115(32), 9782-9788 (2011)


Asmal M, Hellmann I, Liu W, Keele BF, Perelson AS, Bhattacharya T, Gnanakaran S, Daniels M, Haynes BF, Korber BT, Hahn BH, Shaw GM, Letvin NL. A Signature in HIV-1 Envelope Leader Peptide Associated with Transition from Acute to Chronic Infection Impacts Envelope Processing and Infectivity. PLoS One. 2011;6(8):e23673. Epub 2011 Aug 18


Paul Langan, S. Gnanakaran, Kirk D. Rector, Norma Pawley, David Fox, Dae Won Cho, and Ken E. Hammel. Exploring new strategies for cellulosic biofuels production Energy & Environmental Science. 2011 DOI: 10.1039/c1ee01268a.


Chundawat, Shishir P.S.; Bellesia, Giovanni; Uppugundla, Nirmal; Sousa, Leonardo; Gao, Dahai; Cheh, Albert; Agarwal, Umesh; Bianchetti, Christopher; Phillips, George; Langan, Paul; Balan, Venkatesh; Gnanakaran, S; Dale, Bruce. Restructuring crystalline cellulose hydrogen bond network enhances its depolymerization rate. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011 133(29), 11163-11174 (2011)


Haili Tang, James E. Robinson, S. Gnanakaran, Ming Li, Eric S. Rosenberg, Barton F. Haynes, Celia C. LaBranche,  Bette T. Korber, and David C. Montefiori. Epitopes Adjacent to the Base of the V3 Loop of gp120 as Targets for the Initial Autologous Neutralizing Antibody Response in Two HIV-1 Subtype B-Infected Individuals. J. Virol. 2011 J Virol. 2011 Sep;85(18):9286-99.


Masahisa Wada, Yoshiharu Nishiyama, Giovanni Bellesia, Trevor Forsyth, S. Gnanakaran and Paul Langan. Neutron crystallographic and molecular dynamics studies of the structure of ammonia-cellulose I: rearrangement of hydrogen bonding during the treatment of cellulose with ammonia. Cellulose. 18, 2011, 191-206, 9488-5


Zhuang Z, Jewett AI, Kuttimalai S, Bellesia G, Gnanakaran S, Shea JE. Assisted peptide folding by surface pattern recognition. Biophys J. 2011;100(5):1306-15.


Lynch RM, Rong R, Boliar S, Sethi A, Li B, Mulenga J, Allen S, Robinson JE, Gnanakaran S, Derdeyn CA. The B cell response is redundant and highly focused on V1V2 during early subtype C infection in a Zambian seroconvertor. J Virol. 2011 ;85(2):905-15


Kirchherr JL, Hamilton J, Lu X, Gnanakaran S, Muldoon M, Daniels M, Kasongo W, Chalwe V, Mulenga C, Mwananyanda L, Musonda RM, Yuan X, Montefiori DC, Korber BT, Haynes BF, Gao F. Identification of amino acid substitutions associated with neutralization phenotype in the human immunodeficiency virus type-1 subtype C gp120. Virology. 2011;409(2):163-74.




Gnanakaran S, Daniels M, Bhattacharya T, Lapedes AS, Sethi A, Li M, Tang H. Greene K, Gao H, Haynes B, Cohen MS, Shaw GM, Seaman M, Kumar A, Gao F, Montefiori D and Korber B.  2010. Genetic Signatures in the Envelope Glycoproteins of HIV-1 that are Associated with Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies. PLoS Computational Biology, 6(10), e1000955


Rebecca M. Lynch, Tongye Shen, Rong Rong, Bing Li, William Honnen, Joseph Mulenga, Susan Allen, Susan Zolla-Pazner, Abraham Pinter, S. Gnanakaran and Cynthia A. Derdeyn. 2010. Subtype-specific Conservation of Isoleucine 309 in the Env V3 Domain is Linked to Immune Evasion in Subtype C HIV-1 Infection. Virol., 15:59-70.


Cho DW, Parthasarathi R, Pimentel AS, Maestas GD, Park HJ, Yoon UC, Dunaway-Mariano D, Gnanakaran S, Langan P, Mariano PS. 2010. Nature and Kinetic Analysis of Carbon-Carbon Bond Fragmentation Reactions of Cation Radicals Derived from SET-Oxidation of Lignin Model Compounds. J Org Chem. 75, 6549-6562


Giovanni Bellesia, Andrea Asztalos, Tongye Shen, Paul Langan, Antonio Redondo and S. Gnanakaran. 2010. In silico studies of crystalline cellulose and its degradation by enzymes. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 66(Pt 11):1184-8





Tongye Shen, Paul Langan, Alfred D. French, Glenn P. Johnson and S. Gnanakaran. 2009. Conformational flexibility of soluble cellulose oligomers: Chain Length and temperature dependence. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131: 14786-14794.


Rong Rong, Bing Li, Rebecca M. Lynch, Richard E. Haaland, Megan K. Murphy, Joseph Mulenga, Susan A. Allen, Jerry L. Blackwell, Abraham Pinter, George M. Shaw, Eric Hunter, James E. Robinson, S. Gnanakaran, and Cynthia A. Derdeyn. Escape from Autologous Neutralizing Antibodies in Acute/Early Subtype C HIV-1 Infection Requires Multiple Pathways. PLoS Pathogens. 2009; 5(9):e1000594.


B. Korber and S. Gnanakaran. The implications of patterns in HIV Diversity for neutralizing antibody induction and susceptibility. Curr Opin in HIV and AIDS. 4(5):408-17. (2009).


Tongye Shen and S. Gnanakaran. The stability of cellulose: A statistical perspective from a coarse grained model of hydrogen bond network. Biophys. J., 96, 3032-3040 (2009) –highlighted in cover]


Rebecca M., Tongye Shen, S. Gnanakaran and Cynthia A. Derdeyn. Appreciating HIV-1  Diversity: Subtypic Differences in Env. AIDS Res. and Hum. Retroviruses 25, 237-248 (2009).


Smita S. Kulkarni, Alan Lapedes, Haili Tang, S. Gnanakaran, Marcus G. Daniels, Ming Zhang, Tanmoy  Bhattacharya,  Ming Li, Victoria R. Polonis, Francine E. McCutchan, Lynn Morris, Dennis Ellenberger, Salvatore T.  Butera,  Robert C. Bollinger, Bette T. Korber,  Ramesh S. Paranjape, and David C. Montefiori. Highly complex neutralization determinants on a monophyletic lineage of newly transmitted subtype C HIV-1 Env clones from India. Virology 385, 505-20 (2009)




D. Paschek, M. Puhse, A. Perez-Goicochea, S. Gnanakaran, A.E. Garcia, S. Decatur, A. Geiger and R. Winter. 2008. The solvent dependent shift of the amide-I band of a fully solvated peptide in Methanol/ Water mixture as a local probe for the solvent composition in the peptide/solvent interface. Chemphyschem. 9, 2742-50 (2008).


M.Vuyisich, S. Gnanakaran, JA. Lovchik, Rick Lyons, G. Gupta. A dual-purpose protein ligand for effective therapy and sensitive diagnosis of anthrax. Protein J. 27, 292-302 (2008)


S. Gnanakaran, B. Scott, T.M McCleskey and A. E. Garcia. Perturbation of Local Solvent Structure bSmall

Dication: Structural, Spectroscopic and Reactive Properties of Beryllium Ion in Water, J. Phys. Chem. B, 112, 2958-2963 (2008).


Erzsebet Ravasz, S. Gnanakaran, Zoltan Toroczkai, Network Structure of Protein Folding

Pathways. 2008. available at arXiv:0705.0912v1 [q-bio.BM].


Brian L. Scott, T. Mark McCleskey, Anu Chaudhary, Elizabeth Hong-Geller, and S. Gnanakaran. 2008.

The bioinorganic chemistry and associated immunology of Chronic Beryllium Disease, Chem. Comm.,

25, 2837-2847.




M. Kunkel, M. Vuyisich, S. Gnanakaran, G.E. Bruening, A.M. Dandekar, E. Civerolo, J.J. Marchalonis

and G. Gupta. 2007. Rapid clearance of bacteria and their toxins: Development of therapeutic proteins.

Crit. Rev. Immuno., 27, 233-245.


S. Gnanakaran, Dorothy Lang, Marcus Daniels, Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Cynthia A. Derdeyn, and Bette Korber. 2007. Clade Specific Differences in HIV-1: Diversity and Correlations in C3-V4 Regions of gp120. J. Virol. 81:4886-4891.


Rong, R., S. Gnanakaran, J.M. Decker, F. Bibollet-Ruche, J. Taylor, J.N. Sfakianos, J.L. Mokili, M. Muldoon, J. Mulenga, S. Allen, B.H. Hahn, G.M. Shaw, J.L. Blackwell, B.T. Korber, E. Hunter, and C.A. Derdeyn. 2007. Unique Mutational patterns in the envelope 2 amphipathic helix and acquisition of length in gp120 hypervariable domains are associated with resistance to autologous neutralization of subtype C HIV type 1. J. Virol. 81:5658-5668.


M. Vuyisich, S. Gnanakaran, J.A. Lovchik, CR. Lyons, K.L. DeBord, and G. Gupta. 2007. Novel therapy for anthrax. J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 24:727-728.




S. Gnanakaran, R. Nussinov, and A.E. Garcia. 2006. Atomic level description of amyloid beta dimer formation. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128:2158-2159.


W. Blay, S. Gnanakaran, B. Foley, N. Doria-Rose, B.T. Korber, and N.L. Haigwood. 2006. Consistent Patterns of Change During Divergence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Envelope in SHIV-Infected Macaques. J. Virol. 80:999-1014.


S. Gnanakaran and A.E. Garcia. 2005. Helix-coil transition of alanine peptides in water: Force field dependence on the folded and unfolded structures. Proteins-Structure Function and Genetics. 59:773-782.




D. Paschek, S. Gnanakaran, and A.E. Garcia. 2005. Simulations of the pressure and temperature unfolding of an alpha-helical peptide. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 102:6765-6770.


S. Gnanakaran, R.M. Hochstrasser, and A.E. Garcia. 2004. Nature of structural inhomogeneities on folding a helix and their influence on spectral measurements. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 101:9229-9234.


H. Nymeyer, S. Gnanakaran, and A.E. Garcia. 2004. Atomic simulations of protein folding, using the replica exchange algorithm. Methods Enzymol. 383:119-149.


S. Gnanakaran and A.E. Garcia. 2003. Validation of an all-atom protein force field: From dipeptides to larger peptides. J. Phys. Chem. B. 107:12555-12557.


S. Gnanakaran, H. Nymeyer, J. Portman, K. Sanbonmatsu, and A.E. Garcia. 2003. Peptide folding simulations. Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 13:168-174.


S. Gnanakaran and A.E. Garcia. 2003. Folding of a highly conserved diverging turn motif from the SH3 domain. Biophys. J. 84:1548-1562.


R.M. Hochstrasser, N. Ge, S. Gnanakaran, and M. Zanni. 2002. Two dimensional infrared spectroscopy: Studies of the dynamics of structures with femtosecond pulse Fourier transform correlation spectroscopy. Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan. 75:1103.


S. Gnanakaran and R.M. Hochstrasser. 2001. Conformational preferences of short peptides in relation to multidimensional IR spectroscopy. J. Am. Chem.  Soc. 123:12886-12898.


M.T. Zanni, S. Gnanakaran, J. Stenger, and R.M. Hochstrasser. 2001. Two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy of solvent dependent conformations of acetylproline-NH2. J. Phys. Chem. 105:6520-6535.


S. Gnanakaran, G. Haran, R. Kumble, and R.M. Hochstrasser. 1999. Energy transfer and localization: Applications to photosynthetic systems. Chapter in book titled �Resonance Energy Transfer�. J. Wiley Publishing Co.


S. Gnanakaran and R.M. Hochstrasser. 1999. Effect of vibrational coherence on rotational dynamics in solution. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 72:451-462.


S. Gnanakaran, M. Lim, M. Volk, E. Gooding, Y. Kholodenko, and R.M. Hochstrasser. 1998. Chemical reaction dynamics of some simple molecules in solution. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A. 356:377-388.


M. Volk, S. Gnanakaran, M. Lim, E. Gooding, Y. Kholodenko, and R.M. Hochstrasser. 1997. Anisotropy measurements of the solvated HgI2; Transition state and fragment rotational dynamics. J. Phys. Chem. A.101:638-643.


M. Lim, S. Gnanakaran, and R.M. Hochstrasser. 1997. Charge shifting in the ultrafast photo-reactions of ClO- in water. J. Chem. Phys. 106:3485-3493.


S. Gnanakaran and R.M. Hochstrasser. 1996. Vibrational relaxation of HgI in ethanol: Equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations. J. Chem. Phys. 105:3486-3496.


N. Pugliano, S. Gnanakaran, and R.M. Hochstrasser. 1996. The dynamics of photo-dissociation reaction. J. Photochem. & Photobiol. A. 102:21-28.


N. Pugliano, A. Szarka, S. Gnanakaran, and R.M. Hochstrasser. 1995. Vibrational populational dynamics of the HgI photofragment in ethanol solution. J. Chem. Phys. 103:6498-6511.


K. Wynne, S. Gnanakaran, C. Galli, F. Zhu, and R.M. Hochstrasser. 1994. Luminescence studies of ultrafast energy transfer oscillations in dimmers. J. Lumin. 60-1:735-738.


P.G. Smith, S. Gnanakaran, A.G. Kasziska, A.L. Motyka, S.M. Hong, R.M. Hochstrasser, and M. Topp. 1994. Electronic coupling and conformational barrier crossing of 9�,9-Bifluorenyl studied in a supersonic jet. J. Chem. Phys. 100:3384-3493.