Leadership Biographies

Dr. Roy E. Crabtree
Regional Administrator, NOAA Fisheries Service


Dr. Roy E. Crabtree has served as the regional administrator of NOAA Fisheries Service's Southeast Regional Office since January 2003. Previously, Dr. Crabtree was employed as a senior research scientist at the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's Florida Marine Research Institute, and as the director of the Commission's Division of Marine Fisheries. He has served these state and federal fishery management agencies for over 15 years, after beginning his career as a self-employed fishing guide in the Florida Keys and Everglades National Park.

Dr. Crabtree earned his bachelor's degree in biology from Furman University in 1976, his master's degree in marine science from the University of South Carolina in 1978, and his doctorate in marine science from the College of William and Mary in 1984. He has authored or coauthored 36 scientific publications and six selected unpublished assessments.

Miles M. Croom
Deputy Regional Administrator, NOAA Fisheries Service


Miles M. Croom has served as the Deputy Regional Administrator for the NOAA Fisheries Service’s Southeast Region since July 2011. He began working for NOAA in 1980; for 19 years he served as an officer in the NOAA Corps, retiring as a Commander. While on active duty, Miles worked as senior watch officer and helicopter pilot aboard NOAA’s research vessels, managed helicopter operations in support of scientific research programs, served as Sanctuary Manager at the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, spent a term as Legislative Fellow with U. S. Senator John Breaux, was the Executive Officer of NOAA’s Habitat Restoration Center, and finished his active duty career as Salmon Program Manager for the NMFS Southwest Region.

Prior to coming to the Southeast Region, Miles worked with the NMFS Southwest Region in Santa Rosa, California, where he was a Habitat Conservation Division supervisor, an Endangered Species Recovery Coordinator, Habitat Team Leader, and Endangered Species consultation biologist.

Miles came to the Southeast Region in 2003 and was the Assistant Regional Administrator for Habitat Conservation prior to becoming Deputy Regional Administrator.

Miles holds a bachelor’s degree in zoology from Duke University and a master of science in oceanography (marine resource management) from Oregon State University.

Southeast Region Organizational Chart