HRIBF Users Group

HRIBF Users Group

Report of the HRIBF Users Workshop:
HRIBF, Upgrade for the FRIB Era
held November 13-14, 2009 in support of a proposed 70-MeV cyclotron for HRIBF.

The HRIBF Users Group consists of nearly 500 scientists, engineers, and students interested in radioactive ion beam physics. This group supports HRIBF's science program; participation in actual experiments is not a requirement to be a member. The group is organized around a charter (Revised 2003) and has an executive committee (UEC) which conducts the groups business.

To become a member, simply visit HRIBF or fill out the on-line registration form.

A brief history of the HRIBF was written by former Scientific Director R. L. Robinson in the mid-90's.

Together with the Joint Institute for Heavy Ion Research the users group holds periodic workshops. Visit the workshop webpage to see what is coming up next.


For questions about this page please contact the HRIBF User Liaison.

This file last modified Monday January 25, 2010