

DOE Office of Science

Instructions for Submitting a Proposal to the CNMS

Access to CNMS facilities will be determined through a peer-reviewed proposal process. Proposals are to be submitted electronically by e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word using the standard forms listed below. A complete proposal must include the following components:

  • Completed proposal form, approximately 5 pages including all front matter and a 2-page "Description of Proposed Research." (click to see a Sample Proposal and read Tips for Writing a Competitive User Proposal)
  • A brief curriculum vitae of no more than 2 pages for the Principal Investigator only. You may use the NSF-style template provided below, or another format containing similar information.
  • In addition, if you plan to use any of the microanalysis facilities provided through the SHaRE user program and/or request beam time for neutron scattering, you will need to include the one-page SHaRE appendix and/or the 2-page Neutron Scattering appendix (see Item #1 below to download the forms).

Each proposal will receive a rapid, initial screening for feasibility, safety and completeness by one or more CNMS research staff members. Proposals that are not feasible using the current capabilities at CNMS will be returned to the PI without further review. Selected members of the Proposal Review Committee (PRC) having expertise in the appropriate research areas will then evaluate each proposal according to the Review Criteria. CNMS management will allocate facility time to approved proposals considering the prioritization established by the PRC review results and the availability of resources.

Prospective users are encouraged to download and preview the proposal forms and initiate contact with appropriate ORNL research staff early in the proposal development process to ensure familiarity with proposal requirements and gauge the feasibility and time requirements of the research being proposed.

To submit a proposal:

  1. The proposal template is available as a set of fillable Microsoft Word forms. Use the links below to download each of the necessary forms.
  • CNMS Proposal Form
  • SHaRE Appendix for use of microanalysis facilities provided by SHaRE, if applicable.
  • Neutron Scattering Appendix for requesting beam time at the SNS or HFIR user facilities.
  • CV Template - Your NSF-style CV may be submitted in an alternative format but should include similar information as indicated on this template. Limit to a maximum of 2 pages.
  1. Review the descriptions of CNMS capabilities using this web site
  2. Contact appropriate ORNL staff members listed in the relevant research area descriptions if you would like to discuss your intention to submit a proposal and clarify compatibility with available facilities (not required)
  3. Insert the information requested into the forms on your computer
  4. Attach all forms to a SINGLE e-mail message with subject line “CNMS proposal submission (last name of PI)” and mail to
    NOTE: For more than one proposal by the same PI, add -1, -2, etc. to the name of the PI.
  5. Submission of a proposal constitutes agreement to acknowledge the CNMS in any publications resulting from the use of the facility. Prescribed text for the acknowledgment may be found here.

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Updated Thursday, 31-Jan-2013 14:16:06 EST