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SMCD shieldChangyi Tan

Satellite Meteorology & Climatology Division

Operational Producst & Development Branch

Research Scientist / Contractor

Recent Publications

To see Dr. Tan's complete list of publications, abstracts, and citation metrics, visit his ResearcherID page.

Changyi Tan received a B.S in Astronomy in 2001 from Nanjing University and an M.S. degree in Plasma Physics in 2004 from the Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics in Beijing. He completed his Ph.D. in Applied Physics at the Space Weather Research Lab at the New Jersey Institute of Technology.

Research Activities

In January 2010 Dr. Tan was hired by I.M. Systems Group Inc. Maryland. He currently works at NOAA / NESDIS / STAR doing research on space weather, processing satellite data and transitioning ACE and GOES NOP systems from QNX/Windows to Linux.

From 2004-2010, Dr. Tan was a Research Assistant in Space Weather Research Lab, Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research, NJIT. Research the relationship between solar photospheric magnetic fields and associated coronal activities or solar flares – it can be utilized in solar flare/CME prediction and space weather forecasting:

  • Adopted ordinal logistic regression concept and developed a new method to predict destructive solar flares for the space weather forecasting.
  • Examined the relationship between solar photospheric magnetic parameters and solar flare productivities and found the important physical link.
  • Examined the correlation between solar photospheric magnetic parameters and associated coronal responses, and proved an important solar coronal heating mechanism.
  • Examined the relationship between large solar flares, halo coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and strong geomagnetic storms, and theoretically established an automatic system to alarm the disasters of space weather.
  • Studied the evolutions of solar optic penumbral flows and shear flows associated an X3.4-class flare on December 13, 2006 and concluded the flows decrease during the flare which is a brand-new finding in solar physics, it might be a precursor of solar flare which can be utilized to predict solar flare.


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