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DCEG Fellow Initiated Activities

DCEG Fellow Initiated Activities

Annual DCEG Fellows Training Symposium
The Annual DCEG Fellows Training Symposium is held each winter, usually in March. DCEG fellows plan the symposium, which is a full-day, off-site event that includes invited keynote speakers, a fellows' poster event, and scientific presentations by fellows.

Career Development Seminar Series (CDSS)
The CDSS is a venue for fellows in three NCI groups, including DCEG, to organize monthly seminars focused on career development topics for junior investigators in populations sciences. These topics include strengthening skills in grantsmanship, manuscript writing, and strategic career planning.

DCEG Fellows Committee (DFEL)
DFel was formed in January of 2011. Our vision is to create a vibrant, supportive and long-lasting fellows community within DCEG. DFel, together with the DCEG Office of Education, represents, preserves, and promotes the interests of all DCEG fellows.

DCEG Fellows Editorial Board (DFEB)
DFEB reviews and edits the manuscripts of DCEG fellows. The group provides feedback on the grammar, organization and flow of scientific manuscripts. Authors receive comments from DFEB within 10 days of their assigned review date.
User quote: “THANK YOU!!! DFEB’s insight was so pertinent, prompt and professional that, after following their advice and recommendations, now I feel the manuscript is ready for submission to the journal. I will definitively continue recommending DFEB services to other DCEG fellows.

DCEG Fellows Monthly Colloquia
The fellows’ colloquia series was created in the spring of 2004 to offer DCEG fellows the opportunity to gather on a regular basis for scientific and social exchanges. The colloquia were conceived as a forum for fellows to present their research in a relaxed, collegial atmosphere, to learn about the other fellows’ research, and to have featured presentations.

For onsite fellows, please see intranet for additional information.

Trans-NIH Fellow Initiated Activities

Fellows Committe (FELCOM)
Felcom serves the NIH fellows community through the actions of eight subcommittees and fourteen committee liaisons. The eight subcommittees that comprise FelCom were created to focus on particular aspects of the advanced training experience at NIH and include Career Development, Distinguished Clinical Teacher Award (DCTA), Fellows Award for Research Excellence (FARE), Job Fair, Mentoring, Publicity, Social, and Web page. Learn more

Annual NIH Career Symposium
The 4th Annual NIH Career Symposium aims to highlight the diversity of career choices available to your generation of biomedical researchers. Whether you are a new graduate student, postdoc, or clinical fellow just beginning to consider career options or a senior student/fellow ready to look for a job, the NIH Career Symposium is for you. Learn more