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American Cetacean Society - They're Not Saved Yet!
Education Issues Research Whale Watching About ACS How to Help  ACTION ALERT! 
The ACS Cetacean Curriculum contains some basic background information on cetaceans and offers some ideas for activities to engage students. More read more on this topic 
The American Cetacean Society has prepared Whale and Dolphin Fact Packs that contain concise information about selected whales and dolphins.  More read more on this topic 
ACS sponsors select whalewatching trips to help support our educational programs. Join us on one of our Baja Whale Adventures.

The Baja Basecamp trip is a quality, customizable adventure  More read more on this topic 

Or travel down the coast, visiting various Baja Lagoons, and in to the Sea of Cortez on the longer, ship-based trip More read more on this topic 
There are seven regional chapters of the American Cetacean Society.  More read more on this topic 
Whales 2010 conference logo

Save the Date
November 12-14, 2010

ACS 12th International Conference
Monterey, California

Click to Register (or for info)

The conference will also include whale watching, a vibrant cetacean photo contest, art displays, and a Saturday night banquet where participants can meet and discuss issues with leaders in the field.  More read more on this topic 

Members-Only Home Page
What's New on!
photo of gray whale spyhopping



ACS is working hard to stop an unprecedented "compromise package" allowing commercial whaling for the first time since the international ban on whaling was adopted in 1986. The package will be voted upon at the annual meeting of the International Whaling Commission held this June in Morocco.

Candidate Obama gave his word of honor to the American people that he would do everything in his power to uphold the ban on whaling.

"As President, I will ensure that the U.S. provides leadership in enforcing international wildlife protection agreements, including strengthening the international moratorium on commercial whaling. Allowing Japan to continue commercial whaling is unacceptable."
Candidate Barack Obama, March 16, 2008

Together we can stop the legitimizing of commercial whaling!

Dolphin Dash logo

ACS Executive Director Cheryl McCormick is taking her cetacean passion to the pavement as she runs 50 miles on June 17, 2010. For more info and to follow Cheryl's training & progress:

Make a tax-deductible donation::

IWC Updates

The 62nd Annual Meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) will be held in Agadir, Morocco in June 2010. For reports and to participate in the dialogue:

For reports from the 60th and 61st annual meetings of the IWC, read

Special Events

Pacific Life logo A Huge Thank You! to Pacific Life for financial assistance with this web site - We sincerely appreciate your support. Thank You for helping educate us people about Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises, their lives, and the challenges they face!
ACS logo American Cetacean Society
protecting whales, dolphins, porpoises, & their habitats through education, conservation, & research since 1967
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