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Course Title: How to Benefit from the Intelligence Community (IC) Performance Management Process: Training for Employees

Course Description: This is the Employees’ companion to the Leaders’ and Managers’ Avoiding Discrimination and Bias courses. The course describes the checks and balances that have been built into IC Performance Management to ensure the system is fair and nondiscriminatory. It also identifies employees’ responsibilities for ensuring that they get the most positive benefit from IC Performance Management.

Schedule/Duration: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Agency/Vendor Sponsor: ODNI

POC: Alan Trask,

Cost: Free

Method: Online

HR Technical Competency: Performance Management / Employee Relations / Labor Relations

General Competency: Interpersonal Relationships, Legal, Government, & Jurisprudence, Self-Management, Oral Communication

Leadership Competency:

Proficiency Level: Intermediate

NOTE: In order to take this course, you must Log In or Register first,
and you must have registered using a current federal government email address.
