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Our Mission and Organization

The Air Force Historical Studies Office is the book writing element of the Air Force History and Museums program.  The AFHSO office includes the following branches:

The Air Staff History Branch is responsible for researching, writing and producing an annual U.S. Air Force history which includes comprehensive coverage of headquarters, U.S. Air Force.

The Histories Branch is responsible for researching, writing, and producing histories, studies, monographs, and related historical works, as directed by the director, Air Force Office of History, Historical Studies Office, and approved by the director of Air Force History and Museums Programs and Policy/the Air Force Historian.

The Research Branch is responsible for providing immediate research and historical perspective to the Air Staff, Department of Defense agencies, and other government agencies. The Research Branch is also responsible for preserving select Air Staff and related historical data in an office library and archives.

The Production Branch serves as the final reviewer of all historical works generated, published, and/or otherwise released by the Air Force Historical Studies Office; this includes review of manuscripts, required editing, layout, and publishing.

The Information Technology Branch maintains liaison between AF/HO and Air Force Historical Research Agency's information technology systems, including the Inferential Retrieval and Indexing System. The branch also maintains the AF/HO community of practice and related Web-based systems; including posting of related historical materials.

 Inside AFHSO

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Air Force Historical Studies Office
3 Brookley Avenue, Box 94
Joint Base Anacostia Bolling, DC 20032-5000 

Research Branch

Publications Branch

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