MagLab Summer Science Camp

ArrowOur Summer Science Camp for middle school boys and girls is all about hands–on discovery with real scientists and engineers. Apply by April 5. Read more.

Male and Female Mating Pheromones in Panagrellus redivivus

ArrowWork from UF on nematodes, the world's most common animal, lends insight into the pheremones guiding their mating behavior. Read more.

Research Experiences for Undergraduates

ArrowWe’re accepting applications for next summer’s Research Experiences for Undergraduates program, which gives students experience working with MagLab scientists. Read more.

Educational Calendar Double Arrows Left   Play   Double Arrows Right

ArrowCornerstone Learning Community (Tallahassee, FL)
WHEN:Thursday, February 21, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
WHAT:School Science Night

Publications     —     Visitors     —     Seminars, Workshops & Conferences

Flux Issue 9

ArrowProblem-solving engineers, science-loving poets and hoop-shooting robots — all in the latest issue of flux.Read more.

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