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Physical Review B

About Physical Review B

Physical Review B is the APS journal devoted to condensed matter and materials physics. Our goal is to publish the most important, stimulating, and useful papers for our international community of researchers spanning many subdisciplines. We welcome your comments and suggestions via   More...

PRB image for V86I0603


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Physics icon Physics: Artificial Light in a Quantum Spin Ice

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Physics icon Physics: Doing a Crack Job on Aluminum

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Physics icon Physics: Metals Get an Awkward Cousin

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New Saved Search Feature for APS Journals

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Editorial: Laurens Molenkamp on Assuming the Editorship of Physical Review B

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APS Announces 149 New Outstanding Referees for 2012

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Editorial: Stepping Away

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APS and Universität Würzburg Jointly Announce Appointment of Laurens Molenkamp as Senior Editor, Physical Review B

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Physical Review B seeks Assistant Editor

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Samuel A. Goudsmit Papers available online

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Editorial: Redefining Length

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APS Updates all Scanned Archival PDFs in our Physical Review Online Archive

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American Physical Society continues as MathJax Supporter

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