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II MEF Simulation Center

Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune, NC
Mission Statement
The mission of the Simulation Center is to provide exercise force commanders the means to accomplish training objectives and exercise goals in a realistic, simulated battlefield situation. In other words, the Simulation Center is here to help you achieve your training goals.

Simulation Capabilities
The lI MEF Simulation Center supports exercises to accommodate units from fire team to MEF level. It is an excellent tool for training the using unit without having to go to the field, thus maximizing valuable training time and resources. The Simulation Center provides the facilities and technical support. The training unit provides the training objectives and controls the exercise. The subordinate leaders control simulated forces and report the status of personnel,  intelligence, operations, and logistics. Reports are sent to the using unit via normal tactical C4I systems. Subordinate leaders take information provided by the simulation, interpret that information, put it into the proper format and report to their higher headquarters. Some benefits of Simulation-supported Training include the opportunity to validate unit SOP's, work on the effective employment of attachments, and facilitate decision making for the commander and his staff. This is done while fighting a "live and thinking" Opposition Force. Simulation-supported exercises can be tailored to meet any training objective with a minimum amount of preparation or setup time. Scenarios can be custom built or, to save time, an existing scenario can be used.