Astrogeology Science Center

Panarama of surface of Mars with Mars Pathfinder
Panarama of surface of Mars with Mars Pathfinder
USGS cartographers mapped Gale Crater, landing site of the Mars Science Laboratory
USGS cartographers mapped Gale Crater, landing site of the Mars Science Laboratory
The USGS assists the DRATS (NASA's Desert Rats) in training operations
The USGS assists the DRATS (NASA's Desert Rats) in training operations

The USGS has worked with NASA and other space agencies to lead scientific investigations, select rover landing sites, create geologic maps and cartographic products for numerous spacecraft missions throughout our solar system, including locations on Mars, the Moon, Venus, Mercury, and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn.  The Astrogeology Science Center continues to provide support for numerous past, present and future space missions. Select a link to the right to learn more about the team's involvement in a specific mission.

Background Credits: NASA/JPL/USGS