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Mission and Goals

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CSOSA's Mission

CSOSA's mission is to increase public safety, prevent crime, reduce recidivism, and support the fair administration of justice in close collaboration with the community. In the District of Columbia, eighty percent of pretrial defendants are released to the community and approximately 70 percent of convicted offenders serve some portion of their sentence in the community. As such, CSOSA's effective supervision of pretrial defendants and convicted offenders provides a crucial service to the courts and paroling authority and is critical to public safety.


Two strategic goals support CSOSA's mission:

The first goal targets Public Safety:

Prevent the population supervised by CSOSA from engaging in criminal activity by establishing strict accountability and substantially increasing the number of offenders who successfully reintegrate into society.

The second goal targets the Fair Administration of Justice:

Support the fair administration of justice by providing accurate and timely information and meaningful recommendations to criminal justice decision-makers.

Critical Success Factors

These goals shape CSOSA's vision for the District of Columbia and are the foundation of its programmatic activities. To translate these goals into operational terms, CSOSA has adopted four Critical Success Factors (CSFs) that define the key activities through which these goals will be achieved.

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Key Bridge crossing Potomac River, Washington, DC

Employment Information

As a Federal agency with a distinctly local mission, CSOSA employees perform challenging work that directly affects public safety in the District of Columbia's neighborhoods.