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Expedited access to GrainGenes' most Frequently Asked Queries.
If you have a GrainGenes question you want to ask, please let me know.
Somebody else probably has the same question.
- Dave,

Microsatellites and STS's

  • SSR primers and corresponding mapped loci.
    Improvements suggested by Christie Williams, Simon Berry and Tim Langdon.
    SSR set (* for all)   
    Map locations on chromosome (* for all)
    Mapping data: segregation scores for these SSRs in all populations for which we have the data.
  • STS primers
    "Sequence-Tagged Sites", primers designed to amplify specific sequences.
    Source species (* for all)  

Markers and Mapped Genes

  • Download a whole map (Map_Data)
    Linkage groups, Loci and positions, and the corresponding Probes.
    Suggested by Gramene.
    Map_Data name List Map_Data names
  • Download mapping scores for a whole map (Map_Data)
    Suggested by Clare Nelson.
    Map_Data name List Map_Data records that have scores
  • Download all mapping scores in GrainGenes
    Suggested by Matthieu Falque.
  • Nearby Loci
    All Loci within a specified distance of a specified Locus on any map.
    Suggested by Jim Anderson; improved by Yavuz Barbaros.
    Locus   List all Loci
    On map: Any   Wheat Composite
    • Nearby Genes
      A modification that shows only the Genes near the specified locus.
      Suggested by Angelo Karakousis and Victor Aguilar.
      Distance List all Loci
    • Nearby QTLs
      A modification that shows the QTLs near the specified locus.
      Distance List all Loci
  • Loci between two markers
    All Loci that are between two specified Loci on any map.
    Suggested by Molly Jahn and Gilly Sanchez.
    Locus 1
    Locus 2 List all Loci
  • Locus types
    Loci of a particular type from a particular species
  • Trait markers
    Linkages between useful genes and molecular markers.
    From Greg Penner's 2_Point_Data database.

  • All maps for a given Probe
    Suggested by Mark Sorrells.
    List all Probes
  • Genes by chromosome group
    Genes mapped to a specified chromosome group.
    Suggested by Angelo Karakousis.
  • Probes mapped to a specified chromosome
    Suggested by Jon Raupp.

Mapped Sequences

  • Sequenced probes that have been mapped in (* for any species)
  • Mapped known-function probes
    Cloned genes that have been mapped in a particular species.
    Suggested by Peter Hedley; improved by Barbara Read.
  • Sequenced genes
    Listed by Gene Class. With map location if available.
    Suggested by Peter Mascia.

  • Mapped STS's
    FASTA sequence data only.
    Suggested by Philippe Leroy.

  • Loci for a specified sequence
    Suggested by Tim Close.
     GenBank Accession
  • Loci homologous to a specified sequence
     GenBank Accession
  • Probes homologous to a sequence of specified function
    Suggested by Jose Gonzalez-Hernandez.
    (wEST-SQL Database, mapped wheat ESTs from the NSF project.)
     (Don't use wildcard *s.)


    BLAST hits
    Best Peptide hits for a set of DNA sequences.
    Nucleotide hits.

  • Count of sequences by cultivar
    Suggested by Gerry Lazo.
  • EST contigs vs. libraries
    Compare treatments that produced ESTs in the same Contig.
    Suggested by Tim Close.
    Treatment 1
    Treatment 2 List all Treatments




  • Allele differences (polymorphisms) between two germplasm lines
    List germplasms with allele data
  • Allele identities (monomorphisms) between two germplasm lines

    Suggested by Michael Wanous.


  • Search by Author, Keyword, and/or Date. (Author and Keyword can be left blank. "since" must be a number.)
    Author     Keyword,    since
  • Search reference titles and keywords.
    Suggested by Victoria Carollo.

    • "OR" search
      Keyword 1 Keyword 1 only
      Keyword 2 Keyword 1 or 2
      Keyword 3 Keyword 1 or 2 or 3
      Keyword 4 Keyword 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
      Keyword 5 Keyword 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5
    • "AND" search
      Keyword 1
      Keyword 2 Keywords 1 and 2
      Keyword 3 Keywords 1 and 2 and 3
      Keyword 4 Keywords 1 and 2 and 3 and 4
      Keyword 5 Keywords 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5

Address Book

  • Plant breeders
    Colleagues whose position or research interest includes breeding.

  • Colleagues
    All colleagues for which GrainGenes has an email address and/or photograph.


  • Resistant germplasm
    Accessions rated as "Resistant" or "Immune" or "Low sporulation" from the Wheat Genetics Resource Center (WGRC).
    (Note: not all of the WGRC collection is in the database yet.)
    Suggested by Jon Raupp.

  • ICARDA durums
    Names, ICARDA accession numbers and pedigrees.

GrainGenes is a product of the Agricultural Research Service of the US Department of Agriculture.