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The Hordeum Toolbox (THT)
THT was created for the Barley CAP project, to hold SNP genotyping and phenotype data for association mapping in elite barley breeding lines. The database and web interface were created by Julie Dickerson of Iowa State University, and are now running at GrainGenes for long-term maintenance.

Wheat Mapping Populations. A spreadsheet with information on the available wheat mapping populations, from Justin Faris, Feb 2010.

Barley, OPA2009, Consensus maps are online as interactive maps from BMC Genomics 2009, 10:582.

Bob McIntosh honored

Bob McIntosh was made an Officer of the Order of Australia on June 8, 2009, for "service to agricultural science in Australia and internationally, particularly through research in the areas of wheat genetics and rust disease and as an educator and mentor".

Barley SNP Database

SNPs in Affymetrix Barley Contigs (ABCs), with map positions.

Barley CAP

The barley Coordinated Agricultural Project (CAP) is a community effort of 30 scientists from 19 US institutions, to integrate and utilize state-of-the-art genomic tools and approaches in barley breeding programs. News about the project is posted at

Ug99, new virulent race of stem rust from East Africa
  • "Wheat Warning -- New Rust Could Spread Like Wildfire", Science News Online, 24 Sep 05
  • "Resistance to Eastern African Stem Rust Isolates with Broad Virulence in US and CIMMYT Wheat", USDA Cereal Disease Laboratory, 1 Jun 05
  • "Sounding the Alarm on Global Stem Rust", CIMMYT, 29 May 05 (pdf, 200 KB)
  • More information on stem rust and other rusts

    European Triticeae Genomics Initiative (ETGI)
    ETGI coordinates European efforts in barley and wheat physical mapping, sequencing, high resolution genetic mapping, and development of populations for trait mapping with QTLs and association genetics.
    The website of the Global Fusarium Initiative (GFI), a platform for international collaboration on Fusarium head blight.

    International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium (WGSC)
    Established to facilitate and coordinate international efforts toward obtaining the complete sequence of the common (hexaploid) wheat genome.

    WIRE, the Wheat Information REsource
    The site for an NSF-supported wheat mutagenesis project, using the DEALING (DEtecting Adduct Lesions IN the Genome) technology. The project and the site are still new, but there are diamonds here already. Try the Sequence Manipulation Suite, !

    Physical Mapping of the Barley Genome
    This database of Hordeum vulgare cv. Morex BAC contigs, assembled via FPC, currently contains 22,000 clones assembled in 2300 contigs, corresponding to about 1/3 of the barley gene space. Data on thousands of markers (cDNAs, gene fragments and overgo probes) mapped to the BAC clones will be added soon.

    Rice chromosomes vs. cereal genes
    Physical (BAC/PAC) map of japonica chromosomes, aligned by BLAST with mapped contigs and singletons from the NSF wheat EST project, with contigs and singletons from the Wheat SNP project, and with GenBank protein sequences of wheat, barley, rye, oat, and rice.
    Contributed by Jing Yu, DNA LandMarks.

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    GrainGenes is a product of the Agricultural Research Service of the US Department of Agriculture.