Resources for:

Operation Weed and Seed

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Operation Weed and Seed, administered by the Community Capacity Development Office (CCD), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), DOJ, and the United States Attorneys' Office (USAO) is a community-based initiative that encompasses an innovative and comprehensive multi-agency approach to law enforcement, crime prevention, and community revitalization. Operation Weed and Seed is foremost a strategy aimed to prevent, control, and reduce violent crime, drug abuse, and gang activity in three high crime neighborhoods in the District.

CSOSA is the grantee/fiscal agent for the District, therefore responsible for receiving the award from DOJ on behalf of the USAO and disbursing the funds to recipients in accordance with the approved application, budgets and DOJ financial guidelines.

The Weed and Seed partnership is a multi-level strategic plan that includes four basic components:

  • Law enforcement;
  • Community policing,
  • Prevention/intervention/treatment and
  • Neighborhood restoration.

Currently, there are three active Weed and Seed sites in the District:

  • Marshall Heights/Eastgate,
  • Columbia Heights, and
  • Congress Heights communities.

Within this partnership, Weed and Seed grant funding is provided to the DC Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), which focuses on law enforcement and community policing, representing the "weeding" aspect of the strategy.

The prevention, intervention, treatment and neighborhood restoration represents the "seeding" phase as implemented by several community-based agencies funded with the Weed and Seed grant. The various agencies focus on neighborhood efforts to enhance protective factors while reducing risks, thus promoting behavior that ultimately leads to personal success.



DOJ Weed and Seed Web Site

Weed & Seed Program Fact SheetAdobe Acrobat PDF file format

Partnership Accomplishments

Operation Weed and Seed logo

Employment Information

As a Federal agency with a distinctly local mission, CSOSA employees perform challenging work that directly affects public safety in the District of Columbia's neighborhoods.