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Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow

Barstow, California

The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office will serve as the single point of contact to facilitate victim support services, promote sexual assault training and awareness, and provide policy and program assistance to commands located aboard Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow.

The Program serves as the focal point for coordinating all sexual assault prevention and response actions on Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow. The SAPR Program's mission is two-fold: to address the needs of military members that have been victims of sexual assault and to proactively provide relevant, interactive training on a regular, continuous basis to all Marines and Sailors aboard MCLB Barstow in an effort to eliminate sexual assault from within our ranks.

Every battalion/squadron-sized Marine Unit has at least one Uniformed Victim Advocate(UVA)assigned to help lessen the stress of a sexual assault. Unit UVAs have been trained and are able to offer victims assistance in three main areas: support, providing information about the different reporting options afforded them, and referrals to a multitude of different resources-both on base and in the local civilian community. Although UVAs are not counselors, they do help victims navigate the system and can put the victims in touch with licensed, certified counselors and professionally trained victim advocates.

Sexual Assault is a crime, and it will take the efforts of every Marine, sailor and leader to purge it from the Marine Corps. In case of an emergency after hours, call the following duty cell phone for MCCS Victim Advocate:(760)577-6036


Emergency Info
Sexual Assault Prevention& Response 24/7 Helpline: (760)577-6036

SEXUAL ASSAULT 24/7 HELPLINE: 1-877-995-5247