
Feature Slides

  • Big Data

    The Big Data Senior Steering Group (BD SSG) has been formed to identify current big data research and development activities across the Federal government, offer opportunities for coordination, and begin to identify what the goal of a national initiative in this area would look like.

  • Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)

    The CPS SSG is to coordinate programs, budgets, and policy recommendations for Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) research and development (R&D). This includes identifying and integrating requirements, conducting joint program planning, and developing joint strategies for the CPS R&D programs conducted by agency members of the NITRD Subcommittee.

  • Cyber Security and Information Assurance (CSIA)

    Cyber Security and Information Assurance (CSIA) Interagency Working Group coordinates the activities of the CSIA Program Component Area.

  • Health IT R&D SSG

    The Health Information Technology Research and Development Senior Steering Group coordinates programs, budgets and policy recommendations for Health IT R&D.

  • Human Computer Interaction & Information Management (HCI&IM)

    HCI&IM focuses on information interaction, integration, and management research to develop and measure the performance of new technologies.

  • High Confidence Software & Systems (HCSS)

    HCSS R&D supports development of scientific foundations and enabling software and hardware technologies for the engineering, verification and validation, assurance, and certification of complex, networked, distributed computing systems and cyber-physical systems (CPS).

  • High End Computing
    (HEC IWG)

    The HEC IWG coordinates the activities of the High End Computing (HEC) Infrastructure and Applications (I&A) and HEC Research and Development (R&D) Program Component Areas (PCAs).

  • Large Scale Networking
    (LSN CG)

    LSN members coordinate Federal agency networking R&D in leading-edge networking technologies, services, and enhanced performance.

  • Software Design and Productivity (SDP CG)

    SDP R&D will lead to fundamental advances in concepts, methods, techniques, and tools for software design, development, and maintenance that can address the needs of Federal agencies and society.

  • Social, Economic, and Workforce Implications of IT and IT Workforce Development

    the SEW CG coordinates the activities of the Social, Economic and Workforce Implications of Information Technology (IT) and IT Workforce Program Component Area (PCA).

  • Wireless Spectrum Research and Development (WSRD)

    The Wireless Spectrum R&D (WSRD) Senior Steering Group (SSG) has been formed to coordinate spectrum-related research and development activities across the Federal government.


High Confidence Software and Systems Coordinating Group (HCSS CG)

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The HCSS CG coordinates the activities of the High Confidence Software and Systems Program Component Area (PCA).

HCSS R&D supports development of scientific foundations and innovative and enabling software and hardware technologies for the engineering, verification and validation, assurance, and certification of complex, networked, distributed computing systems and cyber-physical (IT-enabled) systems (CPS). The goal is to enable seamless, fully synergistic integration of computational intelligence, communication, control, sensing, actuation, and adaptation with physical devices and information processes to routinely realize high-confidence, optimally performing systems that are essential for effectively operating life-, safety-, security-, and mission-critical applications. These systems must be capable of interacting correctly, safely, and securely with humans and the physical world in changing environments and unforeseen conditions. In many cases, they must be certifiably dependable. The vision is to realize dependable systems that are more precise and highly efficient; respond more quickly; work in dangerous or inaccessible environments; provide large-scale, distributed coordination; augment human capabilities; and enhance societal quality of life. New science and technology are needed to build these systems with computing, communication, information, and control pervasively embedded at all levels, thus enabling entirely new generations of engineering designs that can enhance U.S, competitiveness across economic and industrial sectors.


HCSS CG Co-Chairs


The New Clockwork for Time-Critical Computing National Workshop
Hyatt Regency Baltimore, 300 Light Street, Baltimore, Maryland
CPS Medical Devices
National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22230
CPS Week 2013
Philadelphia, PA
13th Annual HCSS Conference
Annapolis, MD
5th NASA Formal Methods Symposium NFM 2013
NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA

Reports and Publications

Related Presentations

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