Synchronization, Archival, Validation, and IP Exchange (Save)

Save is a lightweight framework for creating high availability systems. Save manages IP addresses shared between multiple servers with the same function and monitors the health of those servers to determine which should be actively servicing requests at any given time. Save has additional features to facilitate the administration of high availability systems. Synchronization mechanisms [...]

Multi-Threaded Multi-Node Utilities (Mutil)

Mutil is a set of standard utilities that employ multiple types of parallelism and other optimizations to achieve maximum performance on modern file systems. Multi-threading is used to ensure that nodes are kept as busy as possible. Double buffering allows individual operations within a single task to be overlapped using asynchronous I/O. Multi-node cooperation allows [...]

Middleware Using Existing SSH Hosts (Mesh)

Mesh is a secure, lightweight grid middleware that is based on the addition of a single sign-on capability to the built-in public key authentication mechanism of SSH using system call interposition. Resources may be added to a Mesh-based grid in a matter of minutes using just five small files and two environment variable settings. Mesh [...]

Balancing Load Across Systems (Ballast)

Ballast is a tool for balancing user load across SSH servers based on configurable criteria such as CPU load and system availability. Ballast is invoked as part of the SSH login process, hence has access to the user name, which is not available in traditional load balancers. This gives ballast the unique ability to perform [...]

Lossless Hyper-/multi-spectral data compression software

Software implementation of JPL published paper for performing lossless hyper-spectral and milti-spectral data compression. The implementation was executed to confirm the results obtained by JPL independently. Implemented JPL published paper and its revised version presented to the CCSDS hyper/multi-spectral data compression working group. The implementation follows every step listed in the relevant papers and usess [...]

Simple, Scalable, Script-based Science Processor for Measurements

The Simple, Scalable, Script-based Science Processor for Measurements (S4PM) is a system for highly automated processing of science data, scalable up to large processing systems and scalable down to small, special-purpose processing strings.

Goddard Satellite Data Simulation Unit

G-SDSU core modules enables users to insert their own satellite simulator to convert model-simulated atmosphere states to various types of satellite observable signals (radiance or backscattering signals), and to compare such data with comparable measurements collected by corresponding satellite level-1 measurement.

Core HSEG Software Package

The RHSEG software provides hierarchical segmentation (pre-processing) of image and image-like data. The software significantly improves the extraction of patterns from complex data sets and is optimized for speed and accuracy. This algorithm provides the user with precise control for selecting the desired level of detail from the hierarchy of results.

Visual System for Browsing, Analysis and Retrieval of Data (ViSBARD)

ViSBARD (Visual System for Browsing, Analysis, and Retrieval of Data) is an interactive visualization and analysis tool for space physics data. It provides an integrated 3-D/2-D environment to analyze measurements across many spacecraft and MHD models.

Ground and space radar volume matching and comparison software

This software enables easy comparison of ground- and space-based radar observations. The software was initially designed to compare ground radar reflectivity from operational, ground-based, S- and C-band meteorological radars with comparable measurements from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission satellite’s Precipitation Radar instrument. The software is also applicable to other ground-based and space-based radars. The software [...]