
October 2012: He-3 Auction
Notice #14 October 05, 2012

Dear Colleagues,
The DOE Isotope Program is pleased to announce an upcoming auction for 4,000 liters of He-3 gas.
Please click here for more details.
Please direct any questions regarding this notice to:
Dr. Jehanne Gillo
Facilities and Project Management Division
Office of Nuclear Physics
U.S. Department of Energy
SC-26.2, Germantown Building
1000 Independence Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20585-1290
Note: after October 9, 2012, more information will also be available on our He-3 auction page.

August 2012: New Funding Opportunity Announcement
Notice #12 August 08, 2012

The DOE Office of Science has posted a new Funding Opportunity Announcement in which you may be interested. It is announcement DE-FOA-0000743 - Research, Development and Training in Isotope Production.  This competitive opportunity announcement is supported by the Isotope Development and Production for Research and Applications (IDPRA) subprogram in the Office of Nuclear Physics. More information may be found from this PDF file,
or by going to the Office of Science Web Site (, clicking on the tab ''Funding Opportunities'' near the top center of the page, then selecting ''Current Funding Opportunities.'' Please feel free to distribute this email to interested parties.

A companion announcement has also been made to the National Laboratories, LAB_12-743.

Dr. Jehanne Gillo
Facilities and Project Management Division

Office of Nuclear Physics
U.S. Department of Energy
SC-26.2, Germantown Building
1000 Independence Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20585-1290
phone: (301)-903-1455
fax: (301)-903-3833

Summer 2012:
Newsletter #2 June 2012

This issue contains news on the DOE SBIR/STTR Programs, an article on Isotope Program R&D, an obituary for Michael J. Welch, and a list of upcoming meetings. Note the upcoming (tentative) deadlines for the FY2013 DOE SBIR/STTR Programs:
   * FY 2013 Topics description: July 16, 2012
   * FY 2013 FOA: August 13, 2012

Please click here for the June 2012 Newsletter in PDF format.

Spring 2012:
Notice #09 March 07, 2012

Special Notice - Survey Form Private Sector


This announcement is intended to seek information from private companies on their potential needs of isotopes in the next five years and is not a Request for Proposal (RFP) or an Invitation for Bid (IFB), nor is it to be construed as a commitment by the Government. The Government does not intend to contract on the basis of this request or otherwise pay for any information solicited herein.

The NIDC is requesting that companies complete and submit this survey form to by March 30, 2012. Information should be submitted even if the potential need for an isotope is somewhat uncertain for the coming years. If a specific isotope is not identified or requested by anyone, it may not be considered for production or production development by the IDPRA during fiscal years 2012-2016. For workshop reports and additional information on the IDPRA program, please visit our website at

Private companies who believe that they are in need of isotopes or have identified an isotope supply shortage should contact the point of contact listed in this synopsis. Excluded from this request are Helium-3 and Molybdenum-99.

Primary Point of Contact:
Wolfgang Runde, NIDC
Phone: (505) 231-0826

MS-Word docx format
PDF format

Winter 2012:
Notice #08 January 11, 2012

Message from the NIDC Director - Dr. Robert Atcher

Enriched Water Update

As the market for PET radiopharmaceuticals continues to expand, it appears that a supply pinch has developed. End users reported to me that spot prices have increased on the order of two to three fold over the last year. In conversations with the providers, no apparent shutdown of production capacity appears to have occurred. There is a bottleneck that has developed due to the fact that industry has been hesitant to invest in increased capacity without a clear vision of the future of the demand for F-18 labeled radiopharmaceuticals. There is a sense that the drop in price of enriched water can't be tolerated again and so a very conservative mindset has developed regarding production capacity.

One vendor has told me that they are expanding capacity, but the improvements won't be seen immediately. Thus, there is some expectation that some relief is coming in terms of supply. How this translates to price, either modest decreases or simply stable with time, remains to be seen.

Realize that this information has been generated to answer questions posed by members of the radioisotope user community. The DOE isotope program is not in a position to be able to produce enriched O-18 for the market.

Isotope Business Office
National Isotope Development Center
PO Box 2008, MS6158
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6158
Phone: (865) 574-6984
Fax: (865) 574-6986

Fall 2011:
Notice #07 October 19, 2011

In conjunction with an ongoing U.S. DOE research collaboration agreement, small quantities (up to 10 mCi) of Ac-225 can be made available for approved research activities on a bi-monthly basis. Please contact the Isotope Business Office at if you are interested in submitting a request for this material.

Isotope Business Office
National Isotope Development Center
PO Box 2008, MS6158
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6158
Phone: (865) 574-6984
Fax: (865) 574-6986

Fall 2011:
Notice #06 October 4, 2011

The National Isotope Development Center (NIDC) manages the coordination of isotope production across Department of Energy (DOE) facilities and, for some isotopes, non-Federal facilities as well. The NIDC is supported by the Isotope Development and Production for Research and Applications (IDPRA) Program within the Office of Nuclear Physics of the DOE Office of Science. Part of the NIDC mission is to increase the availability of critical isotopes in short supply. In order for the IDPRA Program to successfully partake in strategic planning to enhance reliability and availability of isotopes to the community, the NIDC seeks information to better understand the demand for isotopes used in research or commercial applications. The information provided in this request form will assist the NIDC to optimize production plans in the upcoming fiscal years and to work with the IDPRA Program to plan strategically the future production of isotopes, gauging future demand, and evaluating the needs for isotope production technology development.

If you have any questions, please contact the Isotope Business Office at (865) 574-6984.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Isotope Business Office
PO Box 2008, MS6158
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6158
Phone: (865) 574-6984
Fax: (865) 574-6986

Fall 2011:
Notice #05 September 22, 2011

The DOE Isotope Development and Production for Research and Applications (IDPRA) program has been working to solve a problem with respect to isotope supply. There has been a continuing interest in Re-188 produced from a W-188 generator. That interest needs to be supported to the highest degree possible. At present, we have periodically received requests for that system as well as the W-188 solution.

In an attempt to produce W-188 in the most efficient and economical way possible, we would like to consolidate orders so that we produce batches that are totally obligated, rather than having part of the W-188 produced to decay away without benefiting any customer. In order to accomplish this goal, we need those of you who are interested in using W-188 itself or the W/Re-188 generator, to identify your needs in terms of quantity and frequency and send them to the Isotope Business Office at with W-188 in the subject line.

We will then work to establish a production schedule that enables us to minimize the number of production runs undertaken while producing the most efficient and economical quality.

If you have any questions, please contact the Isotope Business Office at (865) 574-6984.

Robert W. Atcher, PhD, MBA
Director, National Isotope Development Center
MS T004
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM 87545

UNM/LANL Professor of Pharmacy
University of New Mexico

Past President
Society of Nuclear Medicine

Fall 2011:
Notice #04 September 9, 2011

We are pleased to announce our updated website at There are several new, user-friendly tools available on the site including searching for isotopes either by element in the periodic table or by searching the chart of the nuclides. You can now join, change address, or unsubscribe to the NIDC email list, from our website. These tools can be accessed from the QUICK LINKS and BREAKING NEWS tabs. A message will be sent immediately to our Isotope Business Office to address your request.

The changes will continue as we add more content to the site. For those who use isotopes from the program in their research, we would like to add your publications to our bibliography, so please send an electronic copy of the paper as a .pdf and we will include it on the page. We also will try to keep a calendar of upcoming meetings that are relevant for the isotope user community.

Please let us know if there are any comments, complaints or kudos regarding the new website.

Best regards,

Jehanne Gillo

Dr. Jehanne Gillo
Facilities and Project Management Division
Office of Nuclear Physics

U.S. Department of Energy phone: (301)-903-1455
SC-26.2, Germantown Building fax: (301)-903-3833
1000 Independence Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20585-1290

Summer 2011:
Notice #03 August 18, 2011

Dear Isotope User:

At the annual Society of Nuclear Medicine meeting, I learned that there have been some changes in the market for enriched O-18 and O-18 labeled water. While I did not get a unanimous sense of changes in the market, it appears that some of the producers have ceased production and the customers are seeing increases in the price of enriched water. In order to explore this issue further, I have asked for a slot of time at the upcoming Society of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences meeting in Amsterdam to have a one hour workshop on this topic. I will send a message later this week with the exact time and location for that meeting, but we have focused on either Monday, 8/29/11, or Tuesday, 8/30/11.

If you have concerns about this issue and will not be attending the SRS meeting, please contact me directly to describe in detail what your concerns are and your experience in securing supplies of enriched water. My email address is If sufficient impact is anticipated, I will try to establish a meeting on this topic that will occur later this calendar year.

Thank you,

Robert Atcher, PhD, MBA
National Isotope Development Center

Summer 2011 Newsletter (PDF)
June, 2011

Spring 2011:
Notice #02 May 19, 2011

Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to inform you of a new open solicitation within the Isotope Development and Production for Research and Applications Program. I invite you to consider the request for proposals for isotope production. The Funding Opportunity Announcement can be found at

Feel free to contact Dr. Marc Garland with any questions you may have. Please distribute to interested parties. Thank you very much.

Best regards,

Jehanne Gillo

Dr. Jehanne Gillo
Facilities and Project Management Division
Office of Nuclear Physics

U.S. Department of Energy
SC-26.2, Germantown Building
1000 Independence Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20585-1290
phone: (301)-903-1455
fax: (301)-903-3833

Spring 2011:
Notice #01 March 24, 2011

Dear Colleague:

We have included you on our new Master Mailing List to receive important notices, news, and future information from the National Isotope Development Center (NIDC).

The Office of Nuclear Physics in the DOE Office of Science supports the Isotope Development and Production for Research and Application program, which produces, processes, and distributes radioactive and stable isotopes that are in short supply and critical to the Nation. The program also supports research and development on the improvement or development of new production and processing techniques for isotopes within the program portfolio. A goal of the program is to make key isotopes more readily available to meet domestic U.S. needs. The NIDC, managed by the Office of Nuclear Physics, is a virtual service organization which interfaces with the user community and manages the coordination of isotope production across facilities, and business operations involved in the production, sale and distribution of isotopes.

If you no longer wish to receive e-mail notices from the NIDC, please reply to: isotope-news at

Isotope Business Office
National Isotope Development Center
Bldg. 5700, Room R111, MS6158
1 Bethel Valley Road
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6158
Phone: (865) 574-6984
Fax: (865) 574-6986

isotope-news mailing list

Archived Newsletters

Spring/Summer 2007

Fall/Winter 2007