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One NASA Look and Feel, Web Standards to the rescue.

Web Standards to the rescue. One NASA Look and Feel CSS TEMPLATES

Software Status

While GMAT has undergone extensive testing and is mature software, we consider the system to be in beta form on some platforms and alpha form on others. The GMAT team considers the system to be in an alpha release state as long as the system is functional, but has not been rigorously tested for numerical precision and functional stability. Once testing has been performed and stability verified, the system becomes a beta product if the number of open issues is considered small and the system is usable for most problems. GMAT has the following status on the supported platforms:

Windows: Beta
Mac: Alpha
Linux: Alpha

We are in the process of performing significant testing to prepare GMAT for operational use. GMAT's numerics and models have received extensive testing against operational systems. The dynamics models, integrators, propagators, coordinate systems, and parameter calculations meet the project's acceptance criteria, with only a few exceptions. Please see the Acceptance Test Plan to learn more about the few cases where numerical issues still exist. For a detailed list of existing bugs and issues, please visit the project's Bug Tracker.

Current Activities

The GMAT Team is currently working on four activities: Maintenance and bug fixes, expanding the architectural specification, testing, and transitioning to an open source development process. The objective of the current development cycle is to provide a build for final beta testing in November.


We use the Wideband Delphi estimation method to generate accurate time and effort estimates for all work items in the Work Breakdown Structure for the current development cycle. The estimates are used to generate accurate projections for completions of major milestones.

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