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Overseas Contingency Operations

The Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) advance the national security interests of the United States through global engagement, partnership, and the promotion of universal values with just 1 percent of the federal budget. Department of State and USAID programs secure domestic borders, protect Americans abroad, support worldwide counterterrorism and nonproliferation efforts, fight the spread of infectious diseases, provide humanitarian assistance to victims of conflict and natural disasters, and promote democratic, free, and prosperous societies. By investing in civilian diplomatic and development power alongside defense, we take an integrated approach to solving global problems and support the mutually reinforcing elements of the national security strategy.

The Department of State and USAID budget includes a Core budget and an Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) budget. The Core budget represents our ongoing investment to advance our national security and foreign policy mission worldwide, supporting our diplomatic and development experts in 190 countries. The OCO budget funds temporary, extraordinary requirements related to the military to civilian transition in Iraq, and civilian counterinsurgency efforts in Afghanistan and Pakistan. As the State Department assumes greater responsibility from the Department of Defense, particularly in Iraq and Afghanistan, total costs to the American taxpayers will drop dramatically.

The Overseas Contingency Operations budget:
  • Reflects the shared national security mission of the Department of Defense and the Department of State and USAID
  • Enables a holistic U.S. Government approach to funding operations and assistance in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan
  • Sustains U.S. military gains in Iraq and Afghanistan as part of an integrated Department of Defense, Department of State, and USAID effort
  • Recognizes extraordinary, temporary need for funding increases beyond regular base budgets in those regions
  • Provides greater transparency of operations and budget costs and strengthens integrated planning
  • Supports military named contingency operations and transitions to civilian led partnerships
DOS/USAID Budget for Foreign Assistance and State Operations
All values shown in $ billions.
DOS/USAID Budget for Foreign Assistance and State Operations
USG Costs for Overseas Contingency Operations
All values shown in $ billions.
USG Costs for Overseas Contingency Operations
†FY 2010 Enacted provides an accurate baseline for comparison. FY 2010 Enacted includes base appropriations, forward funding from the FY 2009 supplemental, and war-related funding only from the FY 2010 supplemental.
*FY 2010 is an estimate.
‡DoD levels exclude OCO for Haiti disaster relief, transfer to U.S. Coast Guard operating accounts, C-130 Coast Guard replacement, emergency flooding.

FY 2013 State and USAID Foreign Assistance in Frontline States
All values showns in $ billions. Click on a Core slice for more information about this funding.
FY 2013 State and USAID Foreign Assistance in Frontline States
Afghanistan Iraq Pakistan