Doing Business with USAID/Ghana

How can I become an implementing partner with USAID?

In 2003 USAID and the Government of Ghana agreed to work together on four objectives deemed essential to Ghana's development: increase agricultural production, employment opportunities and income levels for poor Ghanaians; improve delivery of health service at the community, district, and regional levels; increase the percentage of children completing basic education and improve the quality of instruction; and, strengthen the capacity of Ghana's local governance institutions to plan for development, increase revenue, and seek input and respond to citizen needs concerning the delivery of services. USAID and the Government of Ghana continue this work today under the framework of these four assistance agreements.

To achieve the four development objectives, USAID partners with the Government of Ghana and with implementing partners. An implementing partner can be a U.S. or local non-governmental organization (NGO), commercial organization, an individual, or a public international organization.

USAID conducts competition to find the most qualified implementing partners for USAID/Ghana's development assistance programs at the best value to the US Government. The competition begins with a solicitation. USAID uses two basic types of solicitations.

Request for Proposal (RFP)

Request for Assistance (RFA)

Annual Program Statement (APS)


Cooperative Agreements


How do I advance development efforts that are important to my business and my community?

The U.S. Government recognizes an exciting opportunity to enhance the impact of its development assistance through strategic alliances with a range of private sector partners, including non-governmental organizations (NGOs), private voluntary organizations (PVOs), private philanthropists, cooperatives, faith-based organizations, foundations, corporations, financial institutions, the higher education community, and Diaspora groups.
The Global Development Alliance (GDA) Annual Program Statement (APS) is a key channel through which the private sector can propose innovative public-private partnerships that achieve business goals and help USAID accelerate achievement of sustainable results in priority development areas.
Companies are encouraged to discuss the mutual benefits of a potential partnership with USAID/Ghana's Global Alliance Specialist, Cynthia Omaboe (