Tununak All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Road Project

Project Overview in native Yup'ik language

Tumyaralillermeggni Tununermek Nunakauyarmun ukut Western Federal Lands Highway Division-aat waken US Department of Transportation kingunelget nicugtut elpecessnek qanerkangqerkuci tuunginun. Makut qanelci quyurtait pillerkiurallermeggni piyuumallranek tumyaraq. Niicugtut nani tumyaraq uitallerkaanek, cat-llu tamaani uitalriit nunakaani, allanek-llu umyuarteqlerpecessnek atullrani tumyaraq.

Tuqlurluki phone-akun wall'u email-arluki wall'u igarluki uum aciani address-aak uitalriik.

Project Overview in English

The Western Federal Lands Highway Division (WFLHD) of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) in cooperation with the Denali Commission is seeking your input as we investigate the possibility of constructing an ATV road between Tununak and Toksook Bay. WFLHD is collecting information in the planning process to determine the feasibility of constructing the road. We are seeking your input on the location of the road, environmental resources in the area and other concerns related to transportation between Tununak and Toksook Bay.

Map showing general vicinity of project
View a larger interactive map of the project area.

Project Details
Project # AK DEN 2009(10)
Project Name Tununak ATV Road Project
Location Between Tununak and Toksook Bay, AK
Status Under Construction
Awarded to Northern Management Services, Inc.
Award Date 9 January 2012
Award Amount $1,513,490.28
View Tabulation of Bids

Contact Information

Project Email Address:

Thomas Lonergan, Project Manager
(360) 619-7899

Elisa Carlsen, Environmental Protection Specialist
Phone: (360) 619-7674

Federal Highway Administration
Western Federal Lands Highway Division
610 East Fifth Street
Vancouver, WA 98661-3801