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Muon Accelerator R&D at Fermilab

The goal of the APC Muon Accelerator R&D Department is to develop intense muon facilities for future particle physics experiments, with a particular emphasis on the design, simulation, and technical development needed for Neutrino Factories and Muon Colliders. The R&D is pursued as a part of the national Muon Accelerator Program (MAP). The Fermilab contributions to muon accelerator R&D have emphasized (i) design and simulations for a front end muon source that produces 10^21 muons per year and manipulates them to fit within an accelerator, (ii) design and simulations of a multi-TeV Muon Collider ring, (iii) the development and testing of components for a muon ionization cooling channel, (iv) participation in the Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) at RAL, and (v) leading contributions to the organization and management of the national R&D program.

Muon Accelerator Program (MAP)

  • In October 2009, Denis Kovar (the DOE Associate Director of Science for High Energy Physics) wrote a letter to Pier Oddone (the Fermilab Director) requesting that a new national organization, hosted by Fermilab, be formed to unify the activities of the then existing Neutrino Factory and Muon Coillider Collaboration (NFMCC) and Muon Collider Task Force (MCTF). The new organization (MAP) was subsequently put in place, and produced an R&D plan that was successfully reviewed in August 2010. MAP was formally approved in March 2011.  MAP Website:

R&D Plan

The main goals of MAP for the next few years are to (i) contribute to the success of the Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) and to the International Design Study for a Neutrino Factory (IDS-NF), and (ii) to deliver a Muon Collider Design Feasibility Study (MC-DFS), which will include an end-to-end simulation of a Muon Collider complex, a first estimated cost-range, and an R&D plan for activities beyond the MC-DFS. The MAP R&D plan can be found:


Muon Collider

Muon Collider

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Neutrino Factory

Neutrino Factory

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RF Cavity R&D

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High Temperature Superconductor

High Temperature Superconductor R&D

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Physics & Detector

Physics & Detector

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MTA, MuCool and MICE

MTA, MuCool & Mice

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Conferences and Workshops

Muon Conferences and Workshops

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