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In the News

SAMPEX: A Space Weather Warrior
SAMPEX: A Space Weather Warrior
11.01.12 – NASA's first small explorer, SAMPEX, has studied the zoo of particles and cosmic rays surrounding Earth since 1992. In early Nov., 2012, the spacecraft's orbit will decay enough that SAMPEX will re-enter Earth's atmosphere.
NASA's NuSTAR Spots Flare from Milky Way's Black Hole
NASA's NuSTAR Spots Flare From Milky Way's Black Hole
10.23.12 – NASA's newest set of X-ray eyes in the sky, the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR), has caught its first look at the giant black hole parked at the center of our galaxy.
NASA's WISE Colors in Unknowns on Jupiter Asteroids
NASA's WISE Colors in Unknowns on Jupiter Asteroids
10.15.12 – Observations from NASA's WISE all-sky survey reveal new clues about Jovian Trojans, mysterious asteroids that orbit in front of and behind Jupiter in its path around the sun.
Colossal Binary's Clashing Winds
Colossal Binary's Clashing Winds
10.12.12 – An enormous binary star pair some 4,700 light-years away pounds its surroundings with intense outflows called stellar winds.
Aurora from Oct. 8, 2012 CME
Aurora from Oct. 8, 2012 CME
10.08.12 – The CME release on Oct. 4, 2012 has generated a G2-level geomagnetic storm on Earth resulting in aurora in upper latitudes.
Swift Discovers a New Black Hole in our Galaxy
Swift Discovers a New Black Hole in our Galaxy
10.05.12 – Swift recently detected the presence of a previously unknown stellar-mass black hole.
The Helix Nebula - Bigger in Death than Life
The Helix Nebula - Bigger in Death than Life
10.03.12 – What was once a fairly average star, not much different than our sun, can be seen unraveling at the seams in this new image from the Spitzer and GALEX space telescopes.
CME Causes Colorful Aurora
CME Causes Colorful Aurora
10.01.12 – The CME launched by the sun on Sept. 27 resulted in aurora dipping into the continental U.S. as far south as Maryland and Ohio on Sept. 30, 2012.
NuSTAR Celebrates First 100 Days
NuSTAR Celebrates First 100 Days
09.20.12 – Tomorrow, Sept. 21, 2012, will mark 100 days since NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, or NuSTAR, launched into space from the L-1011 “Stargazer” aircraft.
ACE, Workhorse of NASA's Heliophysics Fleet, is 15
ACE, Workhorse Of NASA’s Heliophysics Fleet, Is 15
08.29.12 – ACE is a crucial component of NASA’s heliophysics fleet, providing warning of incoming space weather. In 15 years, it has also helped map the ingredients and drivers of the vast sea of flowing particles surrounding Earth.
NASA's WISE Survey Uncovers Millions of Black Holes
NASA’s WISE Survey Uncovers Millions of Black Holes
08.29.12 – NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission has led to a bonanza of newfound supermassive black holes and extreme galaxies called hot…
Tracking Shuttle Exhaust Reveals More Information About Atmospheric Winds
Tracking Shuttle Exhaust Reveals More Information About Atmospheric Winds
08.28.12 – Scientists tracked space shuttle exhaust plumes to study airflow in the upper atmosphere. The water vapor spread faster than expected and collected near the Arctic to form noctilucent clouds.
Tracking Electron Beams from the Sun
Tracking Electron Beams from the Sun
08.14.12 – Scientists used data from NASA's ACE mission to study jets of electrons streaming from the sun known as electron strahl. This aids understanding of…
Star's 'Cry' Heralds New Era for Testing Relativily
Star's ‘Cry’ Heralds New Era for Testing Relativity
08.02.12 – Researchers have observed a distinctive X-ray signal following a black hole's eruption that comes from matter on the verge of falling into it.
NuSTAR Mission Status Report
NuSTAR Mission Status Report
07.27.12 – NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) passed its Post-Launch Assessment Review at JPL this week, clearing the way for the mission to…
The Mysterious Case of the Disappearing Dust
The Mysterious Case of the Disappearing Dust
07.05.12 – Astronomers have discovered that vast amounts of planetary dust, enough to fill the inner portions of a solar system, have suddenly vanished.
Hidden Portals in Earth's Magnetic Field
Hidden Portals in Earth's Magnetic Field
07.02.12 – A NASA-funded researcher at the University of Iowa has figured out how to find X-points, places where the magnetic field of Earth connects to the magnetic field of the Sun.
The 'Flame' Burns Bright in New WISE Image
The ‘Flame’ Burns Bright in New WISE Image
07.02.12 – A fiery image from NASA's WISE mission shows the Flame nebula “burning” a hole in the cosmic dust.
NuSTAR Mission Status Report
NuSTAR Mission Status Report
06.27.12 – After deploying its mast, the NuSTAR observatory began a series of checkout procedures.
WMAP Team Awarded Gruber Cosmology Prize
WMAP Team Awarded Gruber Cosmology Prize
06.22.12 – WMAP transformed the science of cosmology by establishing the age, geometry and contents of the universe to astonishing precision.
NuSTAR Observatory Unfurls its Unique Mast
NuSTAR Observatory Unfurls its Unique Mast
06.21.12 – NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, or NuSTAR, has successfully deployed its lengthy mast, giving it the ability to see the highest energy X-rays in our universe.
UPDATE: Two CMEs Hit Earth's Magnetosphere
UPDATE: Two CMEs Hit Earth's Magnetosphere
06.18.12 – Two CMEs from AR 1504 on June 13-14, delivered a combined blow over the weekend and sparked bright aurora, with some appearing at lower latitudes than usual.
2012 Noctilucent Cloud Season Begins
2012 Noctilucent Cloud Season Begins
06.15.12 – They're Baaaack! The first noctilucent clouds for the 2012 season have been spotted.
NASA's NuSTAR Mission Lifts Off
NASA's NuSTAR Mission Lifts Off
06.13.12 – NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) launched this morning over the central Pacific, beginning its mission to study black holes and…
Spotting Ultrafine Loops in the Sun's Corona
Spotting Ultrafine Loops in the Sun's Corona
06.12.12 – Scientists have for the first time observed especially narrow loops of solar material scattered on the sun's surface. These ultrafine loops may help with determining how temperatures rise throughout the corona.
NuSTAR to Drop From Plan and Rocket into Space
NuSTAR to Drop From Plane and Rocket Into Space
06.11.12 – NASA's NuSTAR mission is scheduled to launch from Kwajalein Atoll in the central Pacific Ocean on June 13 at 11:30 a.m. EDT.
WISE Finds Few Brown Dwarfs Close to Home
WISE Finds Few Brown Dwarfs Close To Home
06.08.12 – Astronomers are getting to know the neighbors better. Our sun resides within a spiral arm of our Milky Way galaxy about two-thirds of the way out from the center.
NASA to Host News Teleconference About NuSTAR Launch
NASA to Host News Teleconference About NuSTAR Launch
06.06.12 – NASA will host a news teleconference at noon PDT (3 p.m. EDT) June 11 to discuss the upcoming launch of its Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) observatory, scheduled for no earlier than 8:30 a.m. PDT (11:30 a.m. EDT) June 13.
RHESSI Will Use Venus Transit to Impove Measurements of the Sun's Diameter
RHESSI Uses Venus Transit to Improve Measurements of the Sun's Diameter
06.04.12 – During the Venus Transit on June 5-6, 2012, the RHESSI science team hopes to improve the accuracy of their measurements of the diameter of the sun, to provide the best measurement ever obtained.
The Mysterious Arc of Venus
The Mysterious Arc of Venus
06.04.12 – Astronomers hope to glimpse a “ring of fire” around Venus during its historic transit across the sun on June 5-6. The apparition, if it is seen, could help crack some of the deepest mysteries of the second planet.
NASA to Hold News Conference About NuSTAR Launch
NASA to Hold News Conference About NuSTAR Launch
05.24.12 – NASA will hold a news conference on Wednesday, May 30 at 10 a.m. PDT (1 p.m. EDT) to discuss the upcoming launch of the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR), a mission to hunt for black holes.
NASA's NuSTAR Gearing up for Launch
NASA's NuSTAR Gearing up for Launch
05.22.12 – Engineers are installing the "nose cone" around NASA's NuSTAR, a black hole hunter. The mission is scheduled to launch no earlier than June 13.
NASA Survey Counts Potentially Hazardous Asteroids
NASA Survey Counts Potentially Hazardous Asteroids
05.16.12 – Observations from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) have led to the best assessment yet of our solar system's population of potentially hazardous asteroids.
NASA Lends Galaxy Evolution Explorer to Caltech
NASA Lends Galaxy Evolution Explorer to Caltech
05.16.12 – NASA is lending the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) to the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, where the spacecraft will continue its exploration of the cosmos.
IBEX Reveals a Missing Boundary At the Edge of the Solar System
IBEX Reveals Missing Boundary At Solar System Edge
05.10.12 – Scientists compile data from IBEX, Voyager, and computer models to show that the heliosphere just isn't moving fast enough to create a bow shock.
Black Hole Caught Red-Handed in a Stellar Homicide
Black Hole Caught Red-Handed in a Stellar Homicide
05.02.12 – Astronomers have gathered the most direct evidence yet of a supermassive black hole shredding a star that wandered too close.
NASA's WISE Catches Aging Star Erupting with Dust
NASA's WISE Catches Aging Star Erupting With Dust
04.26.12 – Images from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) reveal an old star in the throes of a fiery outburst, spraying the cosmos with dust.
NASA's Swift Monitors Departing Comet Garradd
NASA's Swift Monitors Departing Comet Garradd
04.13.12 – Outbound comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd) provided a nice show for skywatchers last year. Now, it's the target of an ongoing investigation.
NASA's WISE Mission Sees Skies Ablaze With Blazars
NASA's WISE Mission Sees Skies Ablaze With Blazars
04.12.12 – Astronomers are actively hunting a class of supermassive black holes throughout the universe called blazars thanks to data collected by NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE).
Launch of NASA's NuSTAR Mission Postponed
Launch of NASA's NuSTAR Mission Postponed
03.16.12 – The planned launch of NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) mission has been postponed after a March 15 launch status meeting.
NASA Releases New Catalog of Entire Infrared Sky
NASA Releases New Catalog of Entire Infrared Sky
03.14.12 – A new, large mosaic from NASA's Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) showcases a vast stretch of cosmic clouds bubbling with new star birth.
NASA March 13 NuSTAR Media Briefing Postponed
NASA March 13 NuSTAR Media Briefing Postponed
03.12.12 – The Tuesday, March 13, media briefing to discuss the upcoming launch of the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) has been postponed.
Second Biggest Flare of the Solar Cycle
Second Biggest Flare Of the Solar Cycle
03.09.12 – The sun erupted with one of the largest solar flares of this solar cycle on March 6, 2012 at 7PM EST, an X5.4.
NASA's REXTE Captures Thermonuclear Behavior
NASA's RXTE Captures Thermonuclear Behavior
03.09.12 – A neutron star near the center of our galaxy erupted with hundreds of X-ray bursts, powered by thermonuclear explosions on the star's surface.
NASA to hold Media Briefing about NuSTAR Mission
NASA to Hold Media Briefing About NuSTAR Mission
03.08.12 – NASA will hold a media briefing at 9 a.m. PDT (12 p.m. EDT) on Tuesday, March 13, to discuss the upcoming launch of an innovative X-ray telescope called NuSTAR.
Engineers Tuck NuSTAR in its Nose Cone
Engineers Tuck NuSTAR in its Nose Cone
03.02.12 – NuSTAR is being encapsulated in its rocket nose cone, or fairing, which will protect it during launch, scheduled for no earlier than March 21.
NuSTAR Mirrors Baked in Glass Kitchen
NuSTAR Mirrors Baked in Glass Kitchen
02.23.12 – Astrophysicist Will Zhang has experimented with a new technique for efficiently manufacturing super-thin, low-cost curved telescope mirror segments.
THEMIS: Five Years of Aurora and Space Weather
THEMIS: Five Years of Aurora and Space Weather
02.17.12 – Since 2007, THEMIS has mapped how explosive auroras erupt and solar wind transfers energy to the magnetosphere.
NuSTAR Mated to its Rocket
NuSTAR Mated to its Rocket
02.17.12 – Mating of NASA's NuSTAR observatory to its Pegasus rocket is underway.
RHESSI Celebrates 10 Years and 40,000 X-Ray Flares
RHESSI Celebrates 10 Years and 40,000 X-Ray Flares
02.08.12 – Ten years since its launch, RHESSI has observed more than 40,000 X-ray flares, helped craft a model of how solar eruptions form, and fueled additional serendipitous science papers on such things as the shape of the sun.
NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer in Standby Mode
NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer in Standby Mode
02.07.12 – NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer was placed in standby mode today as engineers prepare to end mission operations, nearly nine years after the telescope's launch.
The Interstellar Material Beyond our Solar System
The Interstellar Material Beyond our Solar System
01.31.12 – It's an alien environment out there: the material in the galactic wind doesn't look like the same stuff our solar system is made of.
THEMIS sees a Great Electron Escape
THEMIS Sees a Great Electron Escape
01.30.12 – Filled with electrons and charged particles, the radiation belts regularly swell and shrink, but no one is quite sure how. A new study sheds light on how those radiation particles escape.
NuSTAR Spacecraft Arrives in California
NuSTAR Spacecraft Arrives in California
01.27.12 – NASA's NuSTAR mission has arrived at Vandenberg Air Force Base in central California, where it will be mated to its Pegasus rocket.
NASA's NuSTAR Ships to Vandenberg for March 14 Launch
NASA's NuSTAR Ships to Vandenberg for March 14 Launch
01.25.12 – NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, or NuSTAR, has been shipped to Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., to be mated to its Pegasus launch vehicle.
RXTE Helps Pinpoint Black Hole's 'Bullets'
RXTE Helps Pinpoint Black Hole's ‘Bullets’
01.10.12 – An international team of astronomers has identified the moment when a black hole in our galaxy launched super-fast knots of gas into space.
Stars Pop onto the Scene in New WISE Image
Stars Pop Onto the Scene in New WISE Image
01.10.12 – A new, large mosaic from NASA's Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) showcases a vast stretch of cosmic clouds bubbling with new star birth.
Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Completes Mission Operations
Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Completes Mission Operations
01.09.12 – After 16 years in space, RXTE has made its last observation. The satellite provided unprecedented views into the extreme environments around white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes.