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Adjusting to Changes: What do I need to know or do before my spouse returns from a deployment?

As the spouse or partner of a service member returning from deployment, you are probably both excited and nervous about the homecoming. A lot of time and significant events have passed during the deployment, and there will be a period of natural adjustment. The days and weeks following the return home will include both joy and challenges, but there are some things you can do to ease the reintegration for both of you.  
It is normal to feel nervous and anxious about the homecoming. This does not mean you aren’t happy to see your spouse. Realize the day of homecoming is stressful as well as happy. Plan for homecoming day but keep your plans simple and flexible. Try to avoid high expectations, and recognize that you may feel out of sync with each other at first. You both have been through separate experiences during the deployment and have changed as a result.
For more information, please visit the article titled Tips for Spouses of Returning Service Members on the Real Warriors Campaign Website.