CMIP5 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project
WCRP    World Climate Research Programme

CMIP5 - Data Access - Data Portal


08/29/2012:      The new ESGF peer-to-peer (P2P) enterprise system ( is now the official site for CMIP5 model output. The old gateway ( is deprecated and now shut down permanently. Please send e-mail to to report bugs and provide feedback.

The CMIP5 Data is now available through the new portal, the Earth System Grid - Center for Enabling Technologies (ESG-CET), on the page .


You may search or browse through the Earth System Grid data holdings, but you will need to create an account to download the data. To create get a new account go to Quick Links -> Create Account .

It is highly recommended that read 'Getting started' page first.

See also IPCC AR5 timetable for estimation of due dates for some IPCC"s Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) activities.


If you would like to check the CMIP3 data portal, it is available throught the Earth System Grid (ESG) portal.

You may search or browse through the Earth System Grid data holdings, but the registration is required to download data.