Hurricane Preparedness and Relief, Studies and Reports, a Bibliography

Web resources:

National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
Hurricane Planning and Impact Assessment Reports

NOAA reports include:

Hurricane Evacuation Studies
Hurricane Evacuation Study (HES) reports contain several analyses that are performed at the state level and typically include transportation, behavioral, and hazard analyses; historical hurricane activity; and agency coordination. In addition, each HES may contain a technical data report, a technical assessment, and a hurricane evacuation restudy.
These reports can be viewed in full and printed from the NOAA URL, a small selection have been printed and are available for check out in the library.

Post Storm Assessments
This description, from the Hurricane Floyd assessment, describes the general construction of the reports: Before Hurricane Floyd, a comprehensive hurricane evacuation study had been done for many of the impacted areas. Since Floyd directly affected areas where previous study data were available, there was an opportunity to find out whether previous information collected was accurate, how well products were utilized from past studies, and what improvements could still be made. This report addresses information on behavioral characteristics of evacuees, public shelters, evacuation decisions and transportation clearance times.

These can be viewed in full and printed from the NOAA URL shown above.

US Army Corps of Engineers (US ACE) Information on Hurricane Evacuation Studies

This is the US ACE framework for constructing Hurricane Evacuation Studies, and includes a section on composing a transportation analysis.

Louisiana State University Hurricane Center
Contains an extensive bibliography and a selection of publications available for download, topics include Transportation Engineering. The full text of the National Review of Hurricane Evacuation Plans and Policies is available for download on the site and is of particular interest to the transportation planner. A copy is also available in the DOT Library.

Print resources in the DOT Library collection:

EDA's Post-Disaster Assistance Program After Hurricane Andrew: Final Report. - Evaluation rept. C.L. Dyer, Aguirre International, Rosslyn, VA.; Economic Development Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Assistance and Research Division, 1996.
Assesses aspects of the Hurricane Andrew relief effort including planning grants, revolving loan funds, infrastructure projects, building renovations and improvements, and training and technical assistance programs.

Emergency Relief Funding for Federal-Aid Highways. William A. Lipford, Library of Congress; Congressional Research Service, Washington, D.C., 1996.
Very brief look at the use of federal-aid highway emergency relief funding to repair damage caused by natural disasters.

Hurricane Evacuation Traffic Analysis and Operational Measures. - Final rept. D. P. Zaragoza, M. W. Burris, E. A. Mierzejewski, University of South Florida, Tampa. Center for Urban Transportation Research.; Florida State Dept. of Transportation, Tallahassee, 1998.
This report presents the results of a project performed for the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) by the Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) at the University of South Florida. The project includes three separate sections comprising the two phases of the project: Phase I: Hurricane Evacuation Traffic Analysis; (Analysis of Traffic Demands During Historical Evacuations); Phase II: Advanced Technologies for Improving Operations Management During Hurricane Evacuations (Traffic Surveillance Camera Resources Summary; Examination of Real Time Traffic Information World Wide Web Sites).

Hurricane Evacuation Transportation Analysis for Hurricane Georges, Mississippi Transportation Analysis, Final Report. Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. for the US Army Corps of Engineers Mobile District, February 2001.
This document is a restudy that was done in response to the impacts that Hurricane Georges had on the evacuees of the coastal Mississippi counties. It documents the basic findings from the study analysis and provides information that will be needed to better handle traffic during evacuations.

Hurricane Floyd Lessons Learned. Batchelor, Julie W.; Hutchinson, Kelly E.; Wyatt, Theresa A. April 5, 2000.
This report was commissioned to evaluate NCDOT's response to Hurricane Floyd, identify strengths and weaknesses, and develop recommendations. Interviews were conducted with employees throughout the department. Those interviewed included both the field staff, who performed response and recovery activities, and central office personnel, who focused on public information, coordination, policies, and procedures.

Hurricane preparedness and recovery by a transportation agency. Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems, University of Virginia.Charlottesville, Va.: Virginia Transportation Research Council, 2002.
Preparedness and recovery by the highway agency, in coordination with localities and emergency services, are critical to minimizing the effects of a hurricane. The goal of this report was to improve hurricane preparedness and recovery by VDOT through identifying planning and management options and assessing and evaluating the associated costs, benefits, and risks.

Identification of vulnerable transportation infrastructure and household decision making under emergency evacuation conditions. Pamela Murray-Tuite, Hani Mahmassani. Austin, Tex.: Southwest Region University Transportation Center, Center for Transportation Research, University of Texas at Austin, 2005.
This report combines two primary problems under general disaster considerations. First, a methodology is presented to identify vulnerable transportation infrastructure. The second problem is to mathematically describe household decision making behavior in an emergency evacuation.

In Andrew's Path: A Historical Report on FAA's Response to and Recovery from Hurricane Andrew. E. Preston, T. L. Kraus, Federal Aviation Administration, Washington, DC., January 1993.
The historical report grew out of an August 31, 1992, visit by Federal Aviation Administration Administrator Thomas C. Richards and members of his staff to south Florida facilities affected by Hurricane Andrew.

Interagency Cooperation: FEMA and DOD in Domestic Support Operations. - Monograph. C.E. Fischer, Army Command and General Staff Coll., Fort Leavenworth, KS. School of Advanced Military Studies, 1997.
This paper studies the interagency cooperation between DOD and FEMA, focusing specifically on the evolution of doctrine and procedures for responding to natural disasters.

MAPLE: Multi-Agent Planning, Learning, and Execution. - Final rept. Apr 1998-Apr 2003.
S. Thrun, Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA., Air Force Research Laboratory, Rome, NY, February 2004.
The fundamental problems addressed in this report pertained to the coordination of multi-agent software systems acting in dynamic, physical environments. The Multi-Agent Planning MAPLE project focused on the development and evaluation of new algorithms for integrating information and for coordinating the actions of large multi-agent teams.

Mariner's Guide for Hurricane Awareness in the North Atlantic Basin. -E.J. Holweg, National Weather Service, Silver Spring, MD., 2000.
This guide will hopefully aid the Mariner in understanding the complex structure and behavior of tropical cyclones in the North Atlantic Ocean. It will discuss some ship routing and hurricane avoidance options with the intention of highlighting critical thought processes, risk analyses and required actions that should be considered in order to remain safe and secure during the threat of a tropical cyclone at sea or in port.

Modeling transit issues unique to hurricane evacuations: North Carolina's small urban and rural areas. Judy A. Perkins, Ibibia K. Dabipi, Lee D. Han. Greensboro, N.C.: The Transportation Institute, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, Urban Transit Institute, Transportation Institute, 2001.
The major focus of the research project was to model transit issues associated with hurricane evacuation planning.

National Incident Management System. Department of Homeland Security, Washington, DC., 2004.
This document establishes the basic elements of the NIMS and provides mechanisms for the further development and refinement of supporting national standards, guidelines, protocols, systems, and technologies.

National Review of Hurricane Evacuation Plans and Policies. Wolshon B., Urbina E.,and Levitan M., LSU Hurricane Center, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 2002.
A national review of evacuation plans and practices with a focus on the emergent role of the transportation community in this area.

Natural Disasters and the Gas Pipeline System. Topical Report, August 1994-June 1995. S. Atallah ... [et al.], Risk and Industrial Safety Consultants, Inc., Des Plaines, IL.; Martin (Stan) and Associates, Redwood City, CA.; Gas Research Inst., Chicago, IL. Environmental and Safety Division, 1996.
The important role that preplanning and coordination with the local emergency response bodies and other gas utilities plays during a natural disaster is examined.

Oil Spill During Hurricane Lili, Ship Shoal Block 119: Responses, Fate, and Effects. M. Metcalf ... [et al.], Minerals Management Service, New Orleans, LA. Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, 2003.
This report records the transport and fate of oil spilled at Ship Shoal (SS) Block 119, Caisson No. 14, as the result of Hurricane Lili from October 2 through October 6, 2002. It is believed that this is the first such report of a spill associated with a hurricane.

Partnership Between the Greater New Orleans Expressway Commission and the Weather Forecast Office (WFO) in Slidell, LA. A. Johnson, P. Trotter, F. Zeigler, National Weather Service, Slidell, LA., 2002.
The WFO in Slidell, Louisiana, developed a partnership with the Greater New Orleans Expressway Commission with the goal of providing the Causeway Commission more precise forecasts and advisories which would assist them in preparing for such significant weather events as strong winds across the lake, which impedes vehicles such as recreation vehicles, glass transporters and motorcycles as they try to make their way across the bridge.

Port damage assessment : short-term action report-- April 2000 : Honduras : assessment of port infrastructure damage caused by Hurricane Mitch, 1998 / U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration, 2000.
An evaluation of port operations and infrastructure (including road access), legal authorities, organizational structures affecting port operations, and infrastructure.

Preparing for Catastrophe: A New U.S. Framework for International Disaster Response. - Research project, Jan 2000-Jan 2001. G. A. Hermsmeyer, Air Force Inst. of Tech., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. School of Engineering and Management, 2001.
The purpose of this paper is to identify the need for a more effective U.S. Government international disaster response system and to suggest a framework of structures, processes, and procedures that can effect an improvement.

Proceedings of the 1997 Post Hurricane Highway Recovery Workshop. Federal Highway Administration, Virginia Division, 1997.
This workshop focuses on the clean up and restoration of the highway and street system after a hurricane hits a major metropolitan area.

Regional Traffic Simulation for Emergency Preparedness. - Final rept. 1 Jan 03-31 Jan 04. V. P. Sisiopiku ... [et al.], Alabama Univ. in Huntsville. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering.; University Transportation Center for Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 2004.
This report examines how emergency preparedness contributes to good transportation system operations helping to ensure safe, continuous movement of people and goods as well as support response and recovery operations in emergency situations.

Role of the U.S. Army Medical Department in Domestic Disaster Assistance Operations. Lessons Learned from Hurricane Andrew. - Strategy research paper. D.A. Carroll, Army War Coll., Carlisle Barracks, PA, 1996.
This paper reviews the history of Federal disaster relief legislation and DoD's role in domestic disaster support.

Technical Guidelines for Hurricane Evacuation Studies, US Army Corps of Engineers, Revised September 1995.
This document was prepared using previous hurricane evacuation study procedures and is intended to be a flexible framework with which the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers can effectively develop important information and translate it to local officials. A broad use of these guidelines should provide uniformity of
terminology and content to a complex study process.

Technological advances in evacuation planning and emergency management: current state of the art. Mohsen Jafari, Izzat Bakhadyrov, Ali Maher, Piscataway, N.J.: Rutgers University, Center for Advanced Infrastructure & Transportation, 2003.
In this work the authors attempt to present a survey of various approaches and technologies being developed and used for evacuation planning and emergency management.

Transportation Disaster Response Handbook. Jay Levinson, Hayim Granot, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 2002.
The thrust of this book is transportation disasters and response to them. The book is aimed at the responder, who must understand transportation disasters, and at the transportation industry, which must be acquainted with disaster response.

A Year of Rebuilding: the Federal Response to Hurricane Camille. Washington, DC: Executive Office of the President, Office of Emergency Preparedness, 1970.
This report looks at the role of the Federal Government in the relief and recovery effort after Hurricane Camille.

Updated 01:06 PM EST, November 05, 2012

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