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Obama Voters Shake GOP Vision of Electorate »
It’s easy to understand why some Republicans and pollsters dismissed the idea that the Obama coalition from 2008 would be fired up and ready to go in 2012. Not possible. Not with the unemployment rate...
milton vega
   Espero que en estos 4 años , ayude en gran parte a solucionar y dar a conocer los Reales errores en la crisis Mundial porque , ya se saben los producidos, y quienes incurrieros para crear falsas riquezas  momentaneas y desporporcionadas sin aplicar lo conocido de que en los buenos negocios e inversiones, da real acidez de coeficiente de intereses en Utilidades del Ejercicico de acuerdo a la cantidad Invertida todo es  Proporcional a dicha Inversion a corto y largos Plazos.-
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Would you support Ryan in 2016?
Ryan Emerges From Campaign With Higher Profile, 2016 Options »
Paul Ryan won’t be helping Mitt Romney lead the country in a new direction from the White House. But the congressman famous for his small-government budget blueprints has emerged from his first nation...
major armstead
Yes if he have some better ideas 
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Ok - now that the election's over. Who stays, who goes, and who whose new in the next Obama administration?
Who Might Serve in a Second Obama Administration? »
President Obama may not want many tweaks to his senior staff or his Cabinet in a second term. But, like the past five two-term presidents, he will find that things never stay the same—even if he wants...
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You've seen the word clouds, now get the in-depth analysis from George Condon, our resident presidential historian.
Obama Victory Speech: What a Difference Four Years Can Make »
Gone from four years ago was the overwhelming, almost awesome, sense of history, the tears of older African-Americans like Jesse Jackson. Gone also was the sense of an adventure about to begin.
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Obama mentioned John McCain much more in 2008 acceptance speech than he mentioned Mitt Romney last night. Think that means anything?
Word Cloud Comparison of Obama's Two Victory Speeches »
Below are word clouds representing the breakdown of President Obama's two presidential victory speeches. Many are saying that his speech last night was one of the few times during the 2012 campaig...
Sabeena LoBello
Mitt Who? ☺
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If you want to find out what everything that happened means, check out the live stream below of National Journal's Day After event. 

Hear from our top editors/writers. It's ongoing until 2 pm.
National Journal Events - 2012 Day After Conference - »
National Journal LIVE is the events division of National Journal and is known for elevating the debate in Washington by creating must-attend policy-focused events.
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So a fun two years ahead.
The 113th Congress Likely to be Partisan, Divided and Much the Same »
If you didn’t like the 112th Congress, you will hate the 113th.
Lee Paulison
We can only hope that the extremists on either side of the isle will let these United States be governed.  At the very least, let it be known to one and all who govern these great states, we the people won't stand for petty bickering.  Govern these states appropriately and we will all reap the rewards.
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Photos from President Obama's victory speech in Chicago.
President Obama Declares Victory -- PICTURES »
President Obama declared victory in the 2012 presidential campaign in the early hours of Wednesday morning from his Chicago headquarters. Here are photos of his speech in front of thousands of sup...
bayu busniyanto
hidup obama :D

send me money america people
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How Obama Won »
Elected on hope in a season of despair, President Obama won his first term by being the right guy at the right time. He won his second term making Mitt Romney the wrong guy.
Joe Dennis
"yet" we are working on it though, and capitalism seems to making hints that it too is threatand, and ill agree that money does seem to be more important than even the voice of America at this point, but more and more the same people sitting in the same positions year after year regardless of the peoples complaints. seems to me that we are heading towards something, and i dont know if we were more liberal in Washingtons time, after having read the constitution i feel like the US was borderline anarchist. i really feel like we have lost sight of what we were meant to be, and whether socialistic or not money talks. even in a socialist country the leaders live extremely well off while the people as a whole suffer and i dont know about you but i feel we as a people are just listening to what the two choices say and feel like we are limited to the lesser of two evils. the closest candidate to the twins, Gary Johnson, didn't have much of a google trend until sept of this year for lack of money. is it really he who has the money gets the election? you could call that a monarchy, should it be H.M.S.A? maybe i was wrong in calling it USSA? either way we have lost our morale direction. it would seem that we agree on alot of the same things;) 
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President Obama Wins Reelection: Networks »
Barack Hussein Obama was reelected president of the United States on Tuesday, overcoming a historically bad economy to defeat Republican Mitt Romney after successfully persuading the country that he s...
Manny Brum
+Mariana Gordon Obama is winning the popular vote as well.
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