DoDEA Virtual High School

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Frequently Asked Questions about Blackboard LMSBlackboard icon

Please click the tabs below to see the answers to commonly asked questions regarding DoDEA's Learning Management System (LMS), Blackboard 9.0.

Since Blackboard is a web-based application, all that is needed to login to Blackboard is an internet connection and a compliant web browser. There are certain features of Blackboard that will require additional plug-ins such as Adobe Flash Player and Java Runtime Environment.

A full listing of the recommended system requirements can be found at the following:

If you are a DoDEA employee and wish to obtain a Blackboard login account, please contact the LMS technical support member located in your Area. You may also request an account by sending an email message to the LMS Techical Support Team at

If you are a student and wish to have a login account for access to online materials in Blackboard, please contact your teacher or facilitator.

The Blackboard password reset feature has two options to reset your password. We recommend using Option 1. Option 1 requires you to use only your first name, last name and username provided you've correctly entered these three items into the form. You can submit the request at which time an automated email is generated from the system and sent to the address associated with the account.

The password reset form can be found by clicking the "Forget your password?" link on the Blackboard login page, or you can click the hyperlink below:

It is not uncommon for users to experience some latency when accessing Blackboard. This is due to a number of conditions that could exist at the user's location or anywhere in between the origin and the hosted environment in Reston, Virginia. However, if your connectivity to Blackboard is uncommonly slow, you can report this to the LMS technical support member located in your Area. You will also want to notify the local IT Helpdesk staff as they may be able to assist.

If you are experiencing connectivity issues and would like to test your general upload and download speed to the Blackboard hosted site, you may use the link below. The connection report generated from this tool may be used to assist area IT staff in identifying connectivity issues.

If you are a DoDEA employee and would like to gain access to a course or learning community in Blackboard, first search through the listed courses or learning communities to see if you can self-enroll. If the self-enroll option is not available, contact the course instructor or the learning community leader to request authorization.

If you are a student and would like to enroll in a Virtual School course, please contact your school counselor to coordinate your request.

If you are a DoDEA employee and would like to start your own course or learning community, first search the available courses and learning communities to ensure that a similar one does not already exist. If one does not exist, you can find the Course and Community Request form located under the Getting Started tab. Once the form has been fully completed and approval has been granted by your local supervisor and Area administrator, you may send it to your Area LMS technical support member for processing.

If you would like information or training on Blackboard functionality, once you login into Blackboard, please click the tab at the top right, Knowledge Center to access the Blackboard On Demand Videos. This resource library contains short videos and documents that show teachers and students how to teach and learn online with Blackboard Learn 9.1. If there are any specific questions you have beyond the general Blackboard guidance, you may contact your Area LMS technical support member for assistance.